
0_0 wut.

Not sure what you mean by proof of creation captain. :)

I mean you write code, then you make a hash of it and post it on the blockchain to prove you were the first one who wrote that code so that if someone steals your code and publishes it as their own you can show that they got it from you.

Oh.. you mean transaction ID..

Go to and punch your name in the top right, then from there navigate to the post you want the hash/txid for click a link at the top right or bottom left with properties and it'll show you the hash:


I meant checkpointing git repos to Hive blockchain but I guess I can figure it out for myself

The blockchain itself isn't stored on git.. It's stored in a LevelDB or RocksDB instance on the witness servers.


This helped a lot. Thank you! :)

You are most welcome. Good luck on your quest.