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RE: Flat Earth & NASA Debunked!

in #video6 years ago

Thats cool. I could be dead wrong for sure, but freaking NASA are such HUGE liars that I KNOW those MF's hiding something lol. yeeeesh If I am wong about flat earth though, that will be awkward lol! Be careful and DO NOT Up Vote everyone or your upvote will not carry any weight. I watched jerry banfield videos about steemit on youtube to learn about the whole platform here and it is pretty cool, not sure if you know how to use it or not so that your are most effective, I am still learning.

I'll be looking out for your posts, follow my followers if you want to pick up a few. ttyl


Right on brother, I'm about educate myself on the up vote thing like right now. So a huge thanks for the heads up on that.
I do subscribe to the notion NASA are a bunch liars, the string pullers are at least. Like most govt entities its departmentalized to the max. Some schmuck putting bolts together in the hanger probably isn't wise to the deception, or at least I'd like to think so.