
Thank you for sharing the information.

I for one also believe, it's an amazing time to be apart of something such as this 👌✨❕

Haha funny very funny hahahahaha

Yes, same feeling here and still as Hooked as first day at Steemit... but you were among very lucky to receive Steem Delegation in your first month on Steemit and you have grown exponentially well from there on... Good luck @mrwiquez ...

Yes you are has been a roller coaster ride ever since I came to Steemit!!!!

Yeah man, big things coming down the road. SMT and HF 20, Still here with ya for 9 months lol

Hell yeah man we been here since almost the same week...but you been a rockstar since day one!!!! Glad you been doing your thing. Oh by the way might be going to Vegas in April...we shpuld probably meet up

Apppesh man, na bro... you the rockstar! Yeah bro, if you roll up to Vegas hit me up.. I'll get a few steemians and crypto people to show up also :)

Cool man sounds like a plan!!!


Dude you've been on here pretty much the same time I joined, and you've surpassed me in just about everyway possible.
You have come from basically nothing ( When you were new ) and look at you now.
Not anyone can do that my man. Mass respect to you brother!

I agree with you, it would be a great opportunity a fall of the steem currency because surely many of us would buy, waiting for the mega rise, for me it means a lot the platform since it helps me in a big way economically, due to the crisis that Venezuela currently suffers

Steem can really change the world and give people opportunities they would have never thought of. Once HF20 rolls around and signups become faster the landscape will change drastically and we should all prepare for that.

I completely agree, the important thing is perseverance, there are two classes of people that are victimized and those that are responsible and act, I decide today, thank you very much for your vote.

Love the live. This was my first time catching you live. Is there live chat? I didn’t see the box? Keep up the steemin’ good work. Blessings

Thanks for checking out the livestream. Yes there is usually a live chat box. But since I'm usually driving while I stream I don't write back but will answer in the stream.

This my second week and I'm hooked! I haven't even gotten around to check the price yet! Lol! I'm too busy trying to figure out how to upvote and delegate and all kinda stuff! Definitely A Full Steem ahead for me! Thanks for the motivation tho! Love the videos!

I rememer my second week seems like ages ago.

good on ya my friend! I'm steemit member since december 2016 but unfortunately had some breaks in between... keep it up and all the best for the future! btw you somehow look like Mayweather here on that pic :D

Haha Thanks I appreciate it!!!! I have heard the Mayweather comparisson before cracks me up everytime!!

No worries mate! Haha

congrats bro, keep up the good work. the first rule of steemit is, you do talk about

Thanks homie!!!!

Yeeee! Same here, somehow more hooked every day. This is just the beginning

It only gets better.

Congrats man.... you have done great here! I'm licking my chops at the STEEM prices as well. Last time I purchased STEEM it was $3.68 and now we are below that again so I might get greedy out there and back up the dump truck and load up!

That is always a great idea!!!! Thanks

If only I had known about Steemit sooner!

i voted for Block-Buster

Thanks for the vote!!!

I definitely agree with you man. Keep it up and all the best for your future paths

Yeah. Thanks

I am sad for him passin away but what does this have to do with my post?

Hi how are you? Really cool post and congrats for what you did on Steemit ! I would like to connect with other cool steemians, artists and musicians. I’m posting music tutorials and other things related to music (and bitcoins:p). I’m the founder of the free music school communicasound. I'm really pleased to meet you. So i give you my vote, follow you and i will be happy to read your next posts in the futur. If you want, you can do the same and follow me. It’s important to have a family in Steemit :) Greetings from Paris. Peace.

I feel you man.... You blaze... Nice one
Followed and Voted

Steady, hopefully continue to produce good videos and add to our information

good post good video

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