Thrown in the deep end/ I had the best opportunity!

in #vlog6 years ago

Today I was given the best opportunity to prove myself as a creator!

As you will know if you checked out my last vlog, I got casted for a fashion project as a behind the scenes photographer after originally appying as a film maker (I was honest about being an amateur).

I thought this was a great opportunity to be a part of a production and learn from people who know what they are doing, and I was thankful for the gesture of letting me come in as an entry level creator.

But today, the game changed. When the videographer/crearive director cancelled while we were all heading to the venue, the team was stuck, but guess who was the only guy there with a camera and ability to create?

Now I couldn’t promise top end quality, but at least the team didn’t have to leave empty handed, they asked me to step up and I did my best to do exactly that.

Not everything goes to plan, but sometimes just showing up and getting to work despite a hiccup can provide you the most incredible experience.

I had the best day today trying something new, learning and actually had a big confidence boost in myself, even if I didn’t manage to pull off what a pro could have, I did the best damn job I could.

Im still so nervous to look at the footage I got though, but I’m proud of myself for taking the leap today.

See ya next time!

▶️ DTube

That is an awesome success! Congrats! Being thrown into the deep end when you least expect it shows you what you're made of and you get to learn on the fly.

It was terrifying and exciting at the same time. Let’s hope the finished product is good enough! Haha. Thanks for checking it out my friend.

I always show up with my basic setup; 2 Cameras, 2 Zoom h1s, and a fluid head video tripod. I don't have room to also bring lights on a motorcycle or scooter. I hope this works out for ya; sometimes showing up is all it takes and sticking around to put in your best effort with what you have was the right thing to do regardless of the outcome.

I definitely think from now on I’ll prepare myself more, even though my basic setup worked today, it could use some updating for sure.
I really enjoyed the challenge and learned plenty! Thanks for stopping by, it’s humbling to have your support!

I wouldn't focus on the equipment so much; I use cheaper Cameras that most pros would only consider as back-up gear. The best Camera you have is the one you have with you; it's the one that gets the shots, and the better you know it, the faster you can react to get that moment. Of course this comes from someone who only shoots live events; I rarely stage my shots. Remember to have fun and shoot a lot.

Sounds like a great day man. Looking forward to seeing some of the day. Have some fun with Premiere Pro. I'm a fan :)

It was a learning curve for sure but there’s no way I could have done it without knowing what I’ve learned from so many people here. Can’t wait to dig into the material and see what I can make with it, also Premiere Pro should be fun, I might reach out if I get stuck!

Happy to help if I can. Feel free to reach out anytime.

A win-win situation there, either you learn, network, have a good time, or maybe, like in this case, you get to help out with your camera and still learn and still have fun. Love it. Right place at the right time. I'm Oatmeal.

great day, have success, congratulations