in #walkwithme6 years ago

Walk with me..!!! Good afternoon all steemit...

Financial condition is in jeopardy.
As she walked down the quiet street, her legs hit something.

He bowed and grumbled with disappointment.

"Uh, just a dented old coin".

Nevertheless he took the coin to the bank.

"We recommend this coin to be brought to the old money collector",
said the teller was advising.

The man brought his coin to the collector. Fortunately, the coin is priced at Rp 500 thousand.
He was so happy.

As she passed the hardware store, she noticed several sheets of clearance. He also bought wood for Rp. 500 thousand to make a rack for his wife.
He carried the wood and went home.
In the middle of the journey he passed the furniture craftsman.
The eyes of the furniture shop owners have been trained to see the quality wood that he was carrying.
She offers Rp. 2 million to trade the wood.
After agreeing, he borrowed a cart to take home the cabinet.

On the way the man passed the housing.
A woman saw the beautiful closet and offered her Rp. 10 million. She hesitated.
The woman also raised her bid to Rp. 12 million. The man agreed.

When he reached the village door, he wanted to make sure his money.
He reached into his pocket and counted the sheets worth Rp. 12 million.

Suddenly a robber came, held up a dagger, took the money away, then fled.
His wife happened to see and ran up to her husband and asked,

"What happened?"
"Are you all right, what did the robber take?"
The man shrugged his shoulders and said,
"Oh that's nothing.
Just a dented coin I found this morning ".

When we are conscious, we never have anything, why drown in excessive pain?

Instead, we should be grateful for everything we have, because when it comes & goes we carry nothing.

Suffered for being attached. Happy to take off.

Because that is the true nature of life, what exactly do we have in this life?

Nothing, because even the breath alone is not ours and we can not hold it forever.

When you lose something, come back to remember that we really have nothing.

So "losing" is not real and will never hurt.

Losing is just a mind trick full of "I" -an.

That "I" is the one that makes us suffer.

My house, my possessions, my wife, my husband, my son, all do not belong to me.
We were born not carrying anything, died alone, did not take anything and did not invite anyone.

Verily all belong to Allah and indeed all will return to God.
إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون

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