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RE: Let’s Unbox & Play Warhammer 40K Kill-Team (Part 2)!

in #warhammerlast year

Hey Eric! Great to see you!

At my local store Magic is absolutely huge! All the tables get filled up pretty quick... it's super popular and looks super fun, but I honestly feel the same way you do but in reverse... especially since both are pretty expensive and hard to keep on top of.

But I also enjoy the painting side of these games, it's nice to have a hobby that doesn't involve screens or beating up my body.

Thanks for the reminder! I've been meaning to check Threads out again, so I whipped this up. It doesn't seem to like my original image file type but it seemed to work really well with a JPG file.

I don't tweet much at all because it feels like everyone is looking for a fight, but maybe Threads will scratch the microblogging itch without the aggro.