
Well said, very true. But I also believe it's a matter of time, cause waves seems easier to use in my opinion. And I also think it's because the other platform has got more visibility, so I think we just need to spread the word.

That’s all I am saying. There is virtually no marketing for waves. I do like the UI on waves much better, but the activity is on Threads, period.

Yep, so let's all help spread the word

Everything in life is either a competition or compromise on one way or another. The point is that waves lacks activity and attention whereas Threads has way more of both. Hive is very much a competition of attention. The problem is that Ecency does basically no marketing where Leo is all over the place. So naturally people are going to want to spend more time on the platform that they are feeling more valued.

They are welcome to use Leo! Using Ecency has many advantages and will have even more in the future. But no matter where you are, we are all on the blockchain and should be working together to make Hive better.