
Fedora is also a good one, why so rude for ubuntu😊.

Not rude... I just kicked it off because I like fedora and Ubuntu was a bit of a mess... In my past I used Ubuntu for a long time

Ok😊, I am using ubuntu for normal server purposes.

I used it for my laptop and workstation in the past. Today I only have a laptop. For Server I used FreeBSD in the past. But I also tried Suse and fedora once

Yes, now you have knowledge of the verious Linux OS.

Not anymore... It used to be

That's a welcome development

Could you explain please!

Why Fedora over Ubuntu?

I always preferred fedora as a workstation.

I hear you. Is it a better interface?

I've only ever used Ubuntu.

It is the same with a pixel phone and a Samsung phone... I like the pure things without all the extras that a special distributor put into the os

Both are good Linux distributions. I recommend openSUSE too.

Suse 4.x was my first Linux distro...