
If you get more followers then you will get more votes and comments.You may still get votes from Ecency anyway.

Sure thanks for responding 🙏♥️

So cool!! I have to do it 😍

There is a feed for curators that shows all posts published using Ecency. We will all learn more curation details soon!

Oh okay. That's just great. Thanks so much for always responding to me ♥️ nueva y no sabia que hay que pagar para impulsar ....

No es pagar como tal. Solo usar tus puntos para más beneficios. Acumulas puntos al estar más 'involucrada' . Con cosas como votar, rebloggear, comentar y ser parte del ecosistema:)

Sorry, I gotta get my translator app first

Interesting...I'm new and I didn't know that you have to pay to boost.... sorry friend, I'm from Venezuela and I forget to write in English hehehe