
Too much snow leads to avalanches which can bury someone alive. I grew up hearing stories about this from my own backyard in the Sierra mountains. Just a few years ago we had 20 foot tall banks of snow created by the snowplows with just enough room on either side for cars to travel. This is going to be a very very bad winter.

The EOC has been working very hard to warn the masses about the Lord's wrath coming for the unrepentant!

More weird and wonderful weather... no, this isn't 'normal' folks. It is a chastisement, and yeah, we are in the last days of the last days.

"Snowmageddon" is one way to put it for sure. Times are changing and we can see it all pointing towards prophecy and the times of the Messiah!

It's going to be the storm a lifetime, that's for sure.

The world is freezing over in places!

I don't think people realize just how much colder it can get, and what that irregularity will do economically. They think they're ready, but the only thing to prepare is themselves for the Lord.