
Here is a birthday cake my wife made me a few years back....

Very Creative!!

And Yummy..... Fudge Kitty Poo, Grahm Cracker Crumbles 4 Litter, and Sweet Melted Butter Pee.... Lmao.

I demanded another this weekend as I am 53 on October 17th.

I wish I had time for gardening. But I am on the road too much.

The Litter Box is the biggest reason cats get a bad rap. All of our cats are 100% in the box. I always ask people who say "cats will shit and piss all over everything...."

Would you use a restroom where the toilet had not been flushed.?

Cats love a clean box. True Story. @crypticat knows. Boxes are a chore that can never be left "undone" and also can be creative.

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That's definitely creative!

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This is for sure the best comment ever. Such a very nice cake too, thats true dedication. I once had a roomate and they had the litter box in there room. Well a lot of times they would kick the cat out of the room and close the door. That cat pissed on everything! I even said lets just put a litter box downstairs, it would be way better then having the cat piss on my couches. Well the person was to lazy to even do that. great thing she ended up leaving. Thanks for the cool share.

This graph is indicative of where their standards are taking them.

Posted using Partiko Android

We have agreed to.

I removed it, please just try to tie your posts into Jamaica, ganja, Rastafari, or smoking a joint while listening to reggae if you're gonna use the reggaesteem or Jahm tags.

Posted using Partiko Android

I'm understood, thank you.