
i am unable to fast after 3 hour of eating i do not know what kind of disease i have

I think we all need these reboots from time to time, we fill our bodies with so much when we eat on autopilot so giving it a break to reset every now and again is great, I try to do it twice a month if possible

yeah def its so good for us!

heroin is faster

lol wow someone has experience

Thank you for sharing this. My fiance and I have been considering water fasting (in passing conversation) from time to time. I think it would be nice to spend the time meditating and 'denying the body' in a sense. I didn't really know much about it but these tips (such as the 'don't eat a big meal post-fast' tip) will come in handy. Thanks again.

yeahh it really is!! you are very welcome!! start with 36 hours and see how you feel!

Thanks for the tip. :) I look forward to it.

Oh dear!!! This is a difficult challenge! But I would love to try! 😍😍😍

What have you done pre-fasting? I mean, how little did you eat to prepare your body for the fast? How often do you this, by the way? Sorry for having so many questions. 😂

no worries! well i dont do anything pre fasting, i just try and eat healthy normal diet. so if you don't eat healthy atm, try just having lean protein diet with loads of vegetables and fruit :) This 3 day fast is no more than once a month or 2-3 weeks apart! I do 36 hour fast every week :)

Thank you for replying. I am eating healthy food, having fresh vegetable salad twice a day.

OK, I'll try to do this. Hahaha! 😂 I did intermitent fasting but stopped because I dropped weight quiet fast. So, I wanna try this one. 😊😊

hahha try and do maybe 1 day first :) and see how you are :)

I once did a water fast for 5 days. No food et al, just water. So lightweight I felt on 2nd or 3rd day. On 4th day, though I had little energy, I stood up and walked around 2 miles to the nearby store. I was checking out food like I normally check out chicks. I never thought it would happen.

I ended my fast exactly at 120 hours with a burger, some coke, etc. Though, I read advice on the Internet by different people who fasted before that you should break your fast with some light food. I was like, fuck all, I am hungry, I want a burger and coke. It was the most delicious food I probably ever had. The correlation between hunger and taste became absolutely clear to me that day. Food is delicious only because of hunger.

yeahh wow its just your body goes from one shock to another shock when you break the fast with unhealthy meals, point is that after fasting you should feel your body more and crave healthier foods! :)

hahaha.. No, there was no shock with breaking the fast with unhealthy meals. You can achieve that as well if you want, i.e., choose healthier meals so that your body craves for them naturally, but that was not my intention.

My intention was to see how do I feel if I don't eat for 5 days. How difficult it would be as I never did it before.

To my surprise, it was not too difficult and I realized how body tries to adapt to a particular situation and I started believing it more that 3 meals a day is not an absolute requirement. As I read more about it, our body can actually survive without food or with little for extended periods as that's what our ancestors in jungle were doing.

A number of monks eat just once a day and stay light, healthy and fit. Obesity alone is the root cause of the most common ailments that last for a lifetime for millions of people, such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, sleep apnea, and many others.

Eating once a day is actually enough for most people provided quality meal is consumed. A number of monks practice it throughout their lifetime.

Another thing I realized, how quickly our body can actually digest the food when it is truly hungry. Otherwise, you can keep dumping food in it like a garbage bin every 6 hours. It doesn't really digest the food properly and that leads to toxic build up. However, if we just eat less, body gets enough time to clear the toxins.

So, my intention was to see and feel all of the above and more, and be sure about it.

After I ended the 5 day fast, I shifted to one meal a day for many months and I was always light, healthy and much more active. Then, I stopped it and started partying and had every damn thing from smoking to alcohol for many months.

Thanks for reminding me about the water fast. I will shift back to one meal a day. It works great for me.

can you still smoke weed on this diet?

a lot of ppl ask me that :D hahaha i don't think its good idea :D

Great post :) I would like to try this. I don't start eating until around 3/4pm, I'll eat pretty much anything and once I've had my evening meal I won't have anything again until the next day at the times mentioned above, works well for me and maintains my weight too :)

yeah def works, i prefer to eat normal few times a day, but fasting so it kinda works for me and balances it out!! :) glad you liked it!

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I'd like to get in touch with you to propose you a col.laboration.
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hey guys, just message me here, as i don't use chat!

We need to explain to you about a col.laboration. It is confidential information and do not want to post it here. If you give any communication channel as Telegram or Discord we can use that.

sure guys, just email me :D

And I cannot wait for 2 hours without munching something, you showed great perseverance.

thanks a lot! its def a mental challange!

And good for mental health too

do you even squat?