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RE: The Reports from the Witnesses 2018-02-04

in #witness-category6 years ago

Thank you for sharing this update @timcliff. I have been thinking about the witness updates a lot lately, and the more that I think about it, the more that I see these updates as updates for potential investors.

I work full time in ICO consultancy, online course creation, and now Steemit blogging. I have also founded a tech start-up, so I have experience in pitching to potential investors. Because of my background, I was thinking about how Steemit could be shown as more lucrative to potential investors, this is what I came up with:

An update of all witness reports/roadmaps in a white paper style document, that gives a general overview of the massive amount of innovation coming from the community. Between all of us, we could reach out to online journals, newspapers, conferences and more, and really drive Steemit forward as a platform. I have some good connections in this space that I would happy to share this report with!

Anyway, I would really like to do this, but I want to know that I have the support and backing of the witnesses that I will do it for. Can you let me know what you think please, and we can then talk more about how to go about this? I have a graphic designer on board who will help out with this too!

I am also running a project called the Steemit Success Initiative, which aims to grow and develop Steemit as a platform (so this would tie in well with a full wtiness update). I am looking for support on this project too, you can read about it on my blog or I can send you over a presentation that I made about it.


It sounds like a good idea, but you may find that getting the information you need from the witnesses is a bit like herding cats.

Yes I was thinking it may be hard, but if I can get the support I would be happy to work on this full time for a month or two and put together a really great document that would show some online journals etc. how innovate the Steemit community is.

Do you want to talk more about this or my other project over Steemit Chat or Discord? I would really like to get involved in doing something like this, and like I said once o can get the support for it im happy to work on it full time for as long as is needed.

I'm on If you reach out to me there, I always respond within 24 hours.

There is also a developer discord chat. You can probably get some info from people there that are working on projects.

Thanks Tim, I'll get on to you.