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RE: List of low ranked and inactive witnesses

in #witness3 years ago

I can't understand this. Is there no way to automatically a witness' status if they stop producing blocks after a fixed period of time. After a longer period of time, they should have their votes cancelled!
This whole system seems ridiculous and prevents people from getting the exposure they deserve. Totally bizarre and I will go back to my list to audit and recast votes as necessary.


There are security issues when it comes to automating things around witness votes but yes, I'd like to see someone coming with better but safe idea.
As for exposure, I've submitted a code change for showing more witnesses on the witness page:

After missing a few conseutive blocks, a witness will be disabled by default.
Votes for dead witnesses is not a problem at all.
op is just fishing for witness votes.

That was how it was in the past but this rule does not apply anymore. Unless a witness disables its account by broadcasting they disabling key it is still scheduled for producing but will miss blocks.

You can see by yourself, on Fri 27th Nov 2020 01:31 AM Sydney Time, I took these screenshots:
Screen Shot 2020-11-27 at 1.31.09 am.png

Screen Shot 2020-11-27 at 1.31.42 am.png

As noticed, @busy.witness has not disabled the witness for 38 weeks now, however does show that that witness has recently missed 3 blocks (see the +3 near the missed block count).

Check that page again tomorrow and notice the number of missed blocks would have increased.

If you now check the witness schedule ( you will noticed that some witnesses who have missed blocks for a long time are still scheduled. For example, @delegate.lafona is still scheduled to produce a block despite having missed blocks for the last 7 weeks.

Screen Shot 2020-11-27 at 1.36.00 am.png

Having stopped your witness for almost two years now, you mustn't know that change of rule inside the blockchain code.

What update was that ? When did that happen ?
And: Why ?

I can't exactly remember when it happened but it was before the split STEEM/HIVE. The reason, not sure...

It seems, you are right...
@delegate.lafona has missed blocks since yesterday.

Is there a knowledgable witness, who knows, why this was changed ?

@delegate.lafona, last a_slot: 47,677,689

current head block: 49,030,085

from get_witness_by_account


@ busy.witness: 41,435,907

Those are last produced block numbers not number of missed blocks