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RE: Campaigning again! But I would rather be building.

in #witnessme5 years ago

Hi @criptodrive, never mind the vote :)

Last week the lease APR distribution had about 60% filled between 15 and 16 or 17 % that is the reason i was trying those numbers, i set it for 4 weeks, maybe 40k is too much in one go?

However as hard as I looked for i could not find this:

what happens is it shows the community leases in a section at the top highlighted in orange

The steemit username of our community is @reveur, since we are at it i would like to propose also adding @votovzla another dedicated community project with an excellent track record of seriousness and commitment.


Oh there are no community leases open now so the orange isn't showing, yes I do know @votovzla there was a dpoll about it recently. I will propose those two get added as community accounts.

Lol 40K, no one can fill that.... after HF20 if you power down, have low RC or low VP you can't delegate all your available SP, so even if you have it you can't delegate it out. Do a mix of lease orders do some small SP but high interest maybe 1000 SP at 19% APR, and then some bigger ones of say 4000 SP @ 17 - 18%. Don't go over 4000 SP, the bigger you go the more lessors you exclude from participating.

Obrigado for the advice, and for adding them.

I will try that once I bring some steem back from the exchanges, today i moved all my liquidity to be part of the party.