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RE: How to make a hole in your roof, the fast way

Poor planning is definitely the primary effector of the damage to the envelope of the cabin, through allowing teak to grow to harvestable size within reach of the roof. OTOH, it seems like an extremely profitable plan, since losing ~3 sheets of tin while gaining a half dozen logs of teak is a deal I would make every hour of every day it was offered to me.

I see no structural damage, or at least nothing consequential, so the repairs are barely inconvenient, while that teak air dried will be very rewarding financially.

Bad felling of trees is really the culprit, as best practices would have prevented the falling trees from impacting the structure. Chaos was certainly in evidence, however, and the three way dogfight seems a paean to some elder jungle spirit that jubilantly spiked your roof as it's malicious nature found a way to do you harm in the gaps in your institutional controls defending your community from chaos.

All in all, I reckon you pay very little to live in such egregious natural splendor. Enjoy it to the fullest.



i was upset for about an hour until i realized how much teak im going to get out of it... lol

I lol'ed. I have such episodes myself.