There are 3 pages

Dirty mind and then we can

It could save you a lot of money

Federal custody here and I’ll pass on

Because she didn’t know

Maybe we should do something interesting today

I need new pants new shoes and a new suit

It would be nice to have one pair of pants for the whole week

You can do it

I need to get my suit Strickland

It’s yours for the taking

It can’t be that hard

Oh and I also need to go buy a new computer

So many things to do let’s get started

Statue of frauds or not a certain amount of time not a certain amount of money

It was a novation if she excepted less

Stick and move stick and move

Life was my time for my birthday

We don’t want them to be deterred because of appearance

It is looking quite shabby

We wanted to look nice for the customers

Time to go let’s go

Maybe we should repaint it

Whichever one has the best incentive

It doesn’t start until five we will have time

But the game is certainly fine

Sometimes it’s overbearing

There are 3 pages