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RE: Trust from the first date

in #work3 years ago

My advice for interviews is to treat it like a date where you want to marry and spend the rest of your life with the person, not just sleep with them and never call them again. What I mean by this is, be yourself.

But what if myself just wants to sleep with them and never call? Asking for a friend.

I always hated the 'what do you need to work here?' question. "Uhhhhh scale is just fine with me." If they weren't prepared to pay scale they probably weren't prepared to have a journeyman working at their job. I once took a job 'modernizing' their maintenance practices and instituting a scheduled program. Every quarter was a battle of costs of maintenance and I didn't last long. "Can't we put that off til next quarter?" didn't work well with my schedule :)


But what if myself just wants to sleep with them and never call?

In this case, I have a lot of advice... Firstly.... :D

It is difficult when everyone is trying to optimize, in places that they shouldn't be optimizing.

Ahahahaha. Well OK then.