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RE: Welcome to the Zombie Apocalypse

in #worldnews3 years ago

Indeed the COVID is a bioweapon, developed in a lab in China by a bunch of assholes. The real weapon though is fear, fear of a virus not unlike other coronaviruses, part of the family of viruses we used to call "the common cold". How they weaponized it was by naming it. We see this with the naming of snowstorms. Before they used to say "there is going to be a big snowstorm" and people would prepare in a reasonable way. But a few years back the Weather Channel started naming them and hyping them. Now the stores sell out whenever they do that. They did the same thing with the common cold. Amazingly some people really are so scared that they want the common cold to go away before they resume normal life!
The vaccine looks to be far more deadly than the disease it is supposed to prevent.


The vaccine is the bio-weapon.
The virus does not exist.
The people are dying of over exposure to electro-magnetic radiation.
Please see my other articles.

I had it in January, many coronaviruses exist. Lucky for me it was before everything shut down. And I was in a 3rd world country without 5G so it's not that. I am sure the vaccine is bad as well. Probably more deadly than the rona.

I did ask you to look at my other articles but clearly you did not. I have amassed a huge amount of evidence like this:

that's an interesting theory, sat phones have been around since the late 70s. Why did the first cell phones cause mostly homosexuals to die?

Research Kary Mullis & Dr Duesberg's understanding of AIDS. HIV is not the cause but one of the symptoms. They concluded that highly drugged lifestyle including poppers (amyl-nitrates) were so toxic that they weakened the immune system. The gay scene was rife with drugs in the early 80s. This covered the impact of electrosmog.
There has been deliberate toxic poisoning ever since to cover for the impact of EMFs ever since.
Now they say it is a "virus" & will continue to use that excuse because 5G & future developments for SMART cities & living are essential for full surveillance of what is left of the population.