Still Snowin on the East Coast ๐Ÿ˜ž The short walk home

in #worldsbestblog โ€ข 6 years ago

Well this is horseshit. It's April now so where's the showers that bring May flowers???

Old man winter still has his dirty pedophile grip on us ๐Ÿ˜ค

I don't know why I wrote pedophile I was just thinking of some of the worst things I could say..

Moving forward

I just got off work and walked out into this..


It's been snowing off and on now for 2 days. This happens, I mean it's Canada afterall but we had a couple days of nice weather last week just as a tease and now I'm slipping and sliding around in snowy wet slush

Hot road shot..


It's just sort of depressing me so I came to vent to my friends on Steemit

I'm ready for some nice weather guys, break out the muscle shirts and pair them shits with my 10 year old jean shorts that @topkpop loves so much ๐Ÿ˜„

I still got it

What am I even talking about here? Idk I'm just ready for some warmer spring action

Low quality snow covered tree shot..


Well I'm just about home now

Thanks for listening and look for a lil gold and silver unboxing tomorrow if you're into that sort of thing?..if you're not still drop by and gimme an upvote just to support your boy.

I'm one of the "good guys"



One more thing


I'm not shoveling these fucking stairs anymore it can just melt


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Hold your horses! What did I read?

I don't think it's time for those horrid nice shorts yet. Oh, this comment brings me back though. Hugs

Ha-Ha I know just how you feel, we woke up to another inch of the stuff this morning. Old man winter will not go away. Granted I am in the mountains of Virginia but it's supposed to be in the 60s!

Oh wow, that makes me feel a bit better ๐Ÿ˜

Winter has been on a wicked bender and needs to call it a night and head the fuck home.
We only had snow showers down this way yesterday, but I'm 100% ready for warm weather!

I start to understand why you would trade Canada for The Netherlands. Sorry! ๐ŸŒž

Man, that sucks. Sorry to hear you're still trapped in the icy tundra. Hopefully the sun will start making its way up there and your roads and stairs will be clear soon!

That last comment made me LOL. So sorry the Great White North is still dumpin' on ya. We got a little a couple of days ago, but in Colorado, it's like snow>hot>snow>hot, so it melts fast, at least in the foothills and below, which is nice.