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RE: STACH Short Story Contest #19: 199 words, 5 winners, 15SBD prize pool!

in #writing6 years ago

The princess of ulu ulu atama

The day my dad finds out about us, is the day our misery begin. but for now, i'd rather we appreciate the fact that fortune has smiled on us. I'd rather die in your arms than anywhere else, said Princess ulu.

Now The worse had happened, everyone was at a stand still, awaiting the kings reaction, princess ulu thinks all hell will break lose, her father "The king" had just discovered here secret romance. But to everyone's surprise, he cant seem to hide the joy he feels inside. what are you waiting for!!! said the king, Get a date for the wedding.

Its the D day, the long awaited moment, everyone in the kingdom had gathered for the long awaited ceremony. The gunmaker had prepared a special gun as a gift for the king, which is to be tested at the wedding ceremony.

Now everybody is seated, hopes are high, the king is standing with the gun, to make his first shot. In a slit second, there is silence everywhere, the king had pulled the trigger, only for him to miss and the bullet went directly to the belly of his only daughter.