Question 13: Name three people whose lives have been improved by knowing you, and explain why.

in #writing6 years ago (edited)

From October 13, 2012 (edited):

Hmm... I'm not the kind of person that would claim such a thing. I'm certain I've influenced some people... I've once taught a person how to draw, shown others something about writing, but I don't believe that it's changed their lives to the extent that I've "improved" them.

Adversely, I don't think I, by being in someone's life, can be considered to have improved it either. Then again, how important am I to others? Such a selfish consideration seems pompous to me so I've never given it thought. Honestly, I might've improved them a lot, but I'm too humble to say so myself. :laughing: I mean, I have been a help in jobs, groups, and organizations... so I suppose that I improved lives simply by being present to help. I can consider that as a way I've improved them, right? Many hands make light work.

I dunno. What do others think?

- Anya

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Tomorrow's Question:
When was the last time you cried?

Journal Prompts © Pyxlin


I think I have been damaging and improving in fairly equal amounts. I wouldn't really venture to say to who I had been a purely positive role-model to. I know who made big impressions on my life and could easily name them.

Sometimes they teach me things that make me change my life a little. And to be honest, it does not bother me at all.