My Response to a Charlottesville Response

in #writing7 years ago (edited)


Some, and I stress SOME, of this video is very good. The discussion of words over violence. Bravo for those words. That being said, this is still an inflammatory and biased video.

Perhaps the "violent leftists" (notice he only used inflammatory words about the left) did punch first, and the police did drop the ball. The things that are not being analyzed here are the sociological aspects that have created and fostered this environment. The majority mentality has been an obvious plague on this nation since it's conception. Native Americans, Chinese, Irish, Africans, Japanese, Bosnians, Muslims, Jewish, Women, LGBT, Hindus, and others have all been targeted by the majority.

A superiority complex is classified as mental illness, and a nurtured sense of superiority is merely a deep seated fear that has been putrified with toxic rhetoric, and then spewed upon the world like ignorant vomit. In my experiences, the failure is not in the first punch, but in the first use of inflammatory speech. Slurs have been created in droves by people who felt themselves superior to others, and fought tooth and nail for that false superiority. Why would one do this? Why would someone fight to keep others beneath them? It is because they are afraid. Afraid that if they stood face to face, or toe to toe with those who they feel superior over, and called them equals, they might lose face. They would become less important. Who doesn't love being king of the mountain, as it were, right?

So how do they mask this fear? They hide behind a symbol and throw stones. They wave inflammatory flags and shout toxic speech. The video in the post I'm responding to speaks of "free speech," and being able to use your words and let other people do the same. One thing he doesn't discuss very in depth is the quality of one's speech. If one is truly able to speak eloquently, racial slurs and other such discriminatory words could be avoided. Heated speech is just as infantile and hostile as throwing a punch. The first one to call names loses. That was something I learned in kindergarten too.

It is also bad form to taunt. Carrying symbols of hatred such as the Nazi flag and wearing riot gear creates a environment of hostility, and allows one to see the opposition as subhuman and unimportant. As soon as you let something go from a one on one discussion to a mob mentality, the IQ diminishes and the likelihood of an unscathed ending drops drastically. In this case, you had people who are afraid of the enemies they have created in their own heads, so they presented themselves in the most inflammatory way possible, then chose to not throw the first punch so they could paint themselves as victims.

Now touching on the police situation. I have worked as security at bars in the past. The LAST thing you do is leave two vehemently opposed parties alone to "discuss their differences." They will fight with almost undeniable certainty. Separation is the minimum requirement, even if it just takes them out of arm's reach. The law enforcement failed here. If they were indeed told to stand down, then the rot goes higher up the political tree than meets the eye. The motives of this supposed call to stand down are unclear, but let me continue.

This is not a left or right issue. Yes, communism may fail, but so does any extreme form of government, on either the left or the right. Look into the horse shoe theory. It talks about the more extreme your beliefs, the more you come to look like those who oppose you. You will lessen your ability to speak eloquently, and will be more geared toward violence. This is a problem of obsession, and not being able to see things from an opposing side. Now, I do not support supremacy, or Nazis, or Alt-Right, or any other hate group. I also don't like what is being done by extremists on the left. They have lost logic as well.

So, the man in the video talks about Siegfried (likened to the right wing protestors) being led into a trap against a late stage tiger (the left wing counter protestors). He paints Siegfried as the victim, which is a MASSIVE hole in logic. A man decides to cage up an organism that has the potential for violence and bloodshed. He proceeds to train it with whips, shaping it to his liking, just for entertainment's sake. It's no surprise he was bitten. Same with the people who waved Nazi flags and perpetuated the hatred of past and current times.

Ultimately, people died and were injured. Someone chose to go beyond excessive force and plow into protestors with a vehicle. This is obviously going to be the focusing point of Charlottesville, and it very well should be. Lives were claimed and maimed because they were afraid of the "enemy." They falsely saw themselves as superior, and acted upon the lies they were telling themselves. Yet, it is important to analyze where blame lies. I, along with a majority of the nation, lay it at the feet of the people who chose to hold a protest as if dressed for war. Those in riot gear, waving flags and words of hatred. They may not have thrown the first punch, but they were supporting ideologies that led to the deaths of 6 million people within death camps, and countless others outside of them. That's much more significant to me than throwing a punch.


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my question for these alt-rightists/neo-nazi's is if you're so superior. why are you so insecure?

I laughed out loud at this when I read it because it is so damn accurate. Fear breeds insecurity, which then mutates into some screwed up sense of superiority. A scared dog will usually bite though.

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Agreed, 100%, resteemed and upboated.

Thank you good sir!

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Very nice post @atomramble

Thank you! I tried to stay calm during the whole thing. The rage I feel over the incident is actually very significant, but he is right. Words are important to maintain.

very well said, and it is a shame it needed to be said. Resteemed. Thanks for posting

Indeed. It is a shame this conversation even needs to be addressed, but it is about time it was either way. Thanks for the resteem!

Dooted, well said

Thank you! :)

"This is not a left or right issue" Also - this. This times one thousand

It goes way beyond it. Perhaps I should do another writing on "left wing and right wing drag down the eagle" concept.

As a resident of Charlottesville, it's really interesting reading and hearing all the comments and theories...

I would be interested in hearing yours. :)

Thanks. I intend to write a post...but it's been hard to get it to coalesce to be honest. I'll let you know when I do. :)

I look forward to it. Inside thoughts would be helpful on multiple levels I think.

A really well written and thought out post.
There is a lot going on behind the scenes that is designed to deliberately fuel the fires here. The deaths are tragic and sadly inevitable as the left/ right paradigm comes to its bloody conclusion. The problems are being directed by design. If the idiots on both sides of the fence want to go out a beat shit out of each there that is going to happen regardless of police police intervention, they are told to stand down as it serves the puppetmasters agenda.
The media left wing bias is horrendous, if they were doing their job properly and reporting impartially you'd have a chance but they're bought and paid for by the same elites.
Be angry at both sides as they are both bigoted morons, but save your best for the scumbag elites creating this situation with their promotion of PC Cultural Marxism designed to create a divided nation making it easier to control.
Wake up America before it's too late.

Oh, I don't think it was unintentional. Classism is the biggest issue facing us today, and the rich are at the top of that heap.

It's the uber rich that are the problem, nothing wrong with being rich it's the elite psychos that are pitting everyone against each other to create the division. You know that though, it's the majority of sheeple that need to wake up.

I think a lot more people realize it than we think, but they think nothing can be done.

There are so many hate filled people, driven by fear. When the system embraces that hate and fear. When they become a party to everyday politics, normalised. These are dark days, can you smell the pyers we so willingly stoke with the last vestiges of human compassion, the bell tolls for rational thought.
Quickly quickly hand your freedom in... You won't be needing that where we're going...
~Mr Dingo

Even as a doomsayer you have eloquence, good Sir. I agree that dark days are on their way. I shall fight if needed, but not for those who shed the blood of the poor to line their pockets with riches.

Hate speech, anger and more anger. I have no clue where this world is going to but with things like this happening on the planet and people from higher levels having hands in those things I know for sure, it will be a rotten place.
Freedom of speech is one thing.......Taken that wrong and chaos will grow.

There is an art to freedom of speech, and an abuse of free speech. A parent or spouse can be arrested for verbal abuse and threats, but grown adults can't be arrested for inflammatory speech. There is nothing anyone can say to me that would put "Nazi" and "victim" in the same category. Supremacists are groomed to incite problems. Then again, so is anyone with any form of obsession.

Starting meditation

Meditation on what?

Sorry, I accidentally sent you this comment.

That's fine. Be well. :)

Great post.

However, I do have to disagree with you on one point.

In this case (Charlottesville), the White Nationalists absolutely taunted and were expecting violence. They named their enemy they expected violent opposition from. The violent Communist part of the left. And the violent left obliged, involving the peaceful elements of the left in their street war.

This violent section of the left has, over the last 12 months, has shown up at everyday Conservative rallies. With pepper spray, urine bags, bike locks, tear gas and other means of violent suppression. They have decided in the past who a "Nazi" was. They beat journalists in Hamburg, Germany because someone on Twitter told them they were "Nazis".

This group doesn't just exist, it has been given a free pass by politicians, police department and the media. I always seem to find people downplaying their disgusting actions AND their offensive ideology.

I have no love for the speaker here, Stefan Molyneux, since he went from peaceful libertarian to white, alt-right identity supporter.

The Left began this identity politics movement. Assholes on the right decided to play their game, creating a "white identity" in response. Street wars began, innocent people have been harmed.

I just wonder why the denouncement of the radical left's actions and ideology always seems as lukewarm as Trump's was to the White Nationalists in Charlottesville.

A fair point. As I touched on in the post on the discussion of the horse shoe theory, the left can be just as dangerous as the right when girded by obsession. To be honest, I am more bothered that we haven't progressed past this point.

I completely put the blame at the feet of the rational among us for buying into the divide and conquer mentally and virtue signaling.

I'm not buying into divide and conquer. I don't understand why someone would become a bigot though. Simple logic can disprove it. Let's say someone says "All Muslims are terrorists." Okay, so that includes Cassius Clay, also known as Muhammad Ali. He wasn't a terrorist, therefore, your statement is incorrect. Statistically speaking, White supremacist groups are a larger threat to our domestic safety than any other group on the planet. Entitlement can be toxic. They, and the "violent" portion of the left have decided to perpetuate the separation, despite the fact that they really are not that different. As far as virtue signaling goes, or having conversations about right and wrong, those things need to happen. If not, people will just continue to fight and bleed. So you either have the divide and conquer violence, or the conversations about virtue.

People don't form opinions on logic alone. Nor should they, but not understanding the emotional component, and how to work with it is huge hindrance in humanity getting past all this.

Fully agreed. Few things stir a stronger anger reaction than supremacist speech and action.