
What amazing photos! They seem to give a certain atmosphere and charm.

Thank you! I always have so many photos floating around that might otherwise never be seen. I'm sure you can relate!

A book? A band? Curly hair?
You are full of surprises, you have lovely jazzy voice and I enjoyed seeing you on the stage!

I'm the one of those who would like to read your journey, no matter if I cry myself out, no matter if I do not, but you already know I like your writings.
You got me closer to the crows my scariest fascination, so yes WRITE IT!

Oh, youuuuuuuuuuu. All this, everything. BLUSH. (My eloquent response.) Thank you!

Thank you for your eloquent response, got me sleepy and vulnerable.

(accidentally rebbloged comments instead of post, there we go)

You can DO that???? Whoa. You are all kinds of talented.

Sure, just ask me to mess something up I'll find a way. :D

That's kind of an endearing trait to have...

Look what I made!!!!
Not as pretty as yours cuz it's crumbly gf almond oat crust that takes forever to smear into the cupcake hole but it still tastes pretty ok. It's a green apple tart with caramelized cheese (ski queen). I thought of you and your muffins when I was making it.


Not pretty? May I slap you please?
This is so crummmblish, licking out of the plate kind of desert.
Awwww, you made me smile!

Such a beautifully written post, so much authenticity in how you speak about your journey. Great way to work on your book and I love the working title "Wheels and Wings". So cool about your involvement in music, performing. Do you still play sax on your own, or other music?

Always, I never tire of looking at your photos. I enjoyed all of them.

I don't play sax anymore... it's kind of a complicated reason. Maybe some day. I've been trying to sell it but the sale just won't close.

Awww, makes me feel a little sad hearing that. I'm curious as to why but I get the impression it's best not asked. I hope you get to sell it, if that's what you want. I've got a guitar and a violin, but I don't think they will make it to being sold or given away, not sure what will happen with them. Due to complete change of direction in 2020, I've kissed the idea of developing musically that way good-bye.

Violin! I wish I had a cello laying around that I could pretend to play ever once in a while.

Sax story is definitely not the share-over-internet kind of story. Maybe someday over coffee or fizzy wine...

Yes, violin, courtesy of my father, the music man that wished his daughter had pursued music instead of visual art. I'm not one for performing and visual art stole my heart.

I figured the Sax story is a not over the internet kind of story, which is why I commented how I did. Would like to hear it though with coffee or for me dry red wine while I watch you breathe in the bubbles from fizzy wine.

Prosecco. With extra bubbles, please.

But I do also like a really dry Pinot noir.

Hahaha! Last time I had prosecco was in the summer of 2019 (before the world went completely insane, although felt that coming on in the fall of 2019), a really nice bottle. Okay, I'll drink that with you then and also the really dry Pinot noir.