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RE: Long - Short goodbye

in #writing2 years ago (edited)

Nice to meet you BW - A lovely user name by the way. ✅

Thanks for your comment, input and nice remarks about my writing. My post feed is full of all sorts of things including fiction so clearly I'm not afraid to dabble - I'm always happy to challenge myself as that's how I progress.

Anyway, you're right about the titles and I've nothing to add really, just my agreement. 😊

I took a look at your posts and will follow you as I like your style, it feels comfortable for lack of a better word.

I also invite you to the weekend topics any time. You can see the link to the latest one for this weekend in this post and there'll be another each Friday...Been that way for 77 weeks now. I'm actually looking forwaed to next week's topic as I think it'll be very cool. But I'm getting ahead of myself.

Thanks for your kind words and thoughts on long titles. Also, your text reads fine, no apology for your language needed.

I look forward to bumping into you some more. Happy weekend.