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RE: STACH Short Story Contest #19: 199 words, 5 winners, 15SBD prize pool!

in #writing6 years ago

Haunted trail

Who would ever believe Stanley would end up with a girl like Beth. Gorgeous, intelligent, amazing damsel.
Back at school, she was given the award of the best graduating student.
Stanley on the other hand was a good definition of "a loser". He was fat, clumsy, so not presentable.
Stanley had this low self esteem and always said "Beth likes making all the decisions".
They wanted to get a house and in order to get rid of the fights Beth allowed Stanley to make all the decisions, choose the location and all. Stanley felt like a man for once. He bought the new house and was very happy to show it to his lovely wife.
On a beautiful Saturday he asked Beth to accompany him to the place, she did. While they were going, Beth noticed the house was deserted, she complained but Stanley asked her not to worry. They entered the house and immediately they noticed a weird movement, Beth screamed and Stanley held her tight.
Just before Beth would understand what was happening, a shadow dragged Stanley into the basement she shouted, and ran away but the shadow never stopped haunting her.