Young Again ...Part 10 …Conflicting Signals

in #writing2 years ago (edited)

I'd rather deal with a green-eyed monster than the grotesque demon Sage had become.
―John J Geddes


The lab was bustling with activity in anticipation of Britni Hill's first consultation. She was scheduled in for 2 p.m. and the university arranged for campus security to be on hand to deter curious onlookers. The security detail gathered in a vacant office to confer and make sure the visit went smoothly.

Some staff dropped by hoping to catch a glimpse of the actress but details of her itinerary were closely guarded. Eve was all business as usual but Henry surprisingly was excited.

"I can't believe a star of her magnitude will be in out lab," he enthused.

"I didn't expect you to be star-struck, Henry," I laughed, as he combed his hair and checked his clothes in the fell-length mirror.

"Are you kidding? This isn't just any actress―I've been in love with Britni Hill since I was eleven. She's incredibly beautiful and it's hard to believe she's in her fifties."

"Kind of like J Lo?" I teased.

Henry's eyes lit up. "Exactly!"

I was watching for Eve's reaction to Henry's admiration of Britni. I figured she'd roll her eyes at his antics, but she just giggled and patted him on the shoulder. "I think your devotion is adorable," she whispered.

I must admit I felt a pang of jealousy. It grieved me Eve was keeping her distance from me but I understood why―Sage could be very intimidating.

If Eve only knew how much I adored her, I wonder if she'd find that 'adorable.'

Okay, that sounds petulant and needy―actually, pathetic, if I'm being brutally honest―but I really want Eve to return my feelings...when I feel confident enough to show them.

Yeah, now that sounds weak and helpless and not exactly attractive to any woman.

Just past 2 p.m. Britni swept in and she was breathtakingly gorgeous as Henry described her.

Eve would be interviewing her first and then I'd be available to answer any technical questions relating to the age-reversal procedure, but things didn't exactly go to plan.

After meeting with Eve and Henry she caught my eye and came over to the lab area where I was finishing reading the latest stats on the epigenome function and its efficacy.

"You must be Doctor Connors, the genius behind this research," she gushed.

"I don't know about being a genius, but I pioneered the technique, so on that count, I'm guilty as charged."

"So, you're going to make me young and beautiful again?"

"I can reverse the aging process, but you're already beautiful―I can't improve on perfection."

"Well, I can see you're not only clever Doctor Connors, but charming...and I might add, quite handsome."

"We have to keep to schedule, Britni," her manager reminded, pointing at his watch.

"You're no fun, Ray―always with your nose to the grindstone," she pouted. "Will we have a chance to talk afterwards, Professor Connors?" she asked.

"If you have any questions about the procedure, I'll be here, Ms. Hill."

"In that case, I'll be back," she smiled with a mischievous glint in her eye.

I caught a glimpse of Eve's face. She looked annoyed. Obviously, she didn't feel Britni's admiration of me was 'adorable'.

To be continued…

© 2022, John J Geddes. All rights reserved
