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RE: STACH Short Story Contest #19: 199 words, 5 winners, 15SBD prize pool!

in #writing6 years ago


Ola and Ade were very good friend. They share things in common and also they keep each other secrets. I tell you their friendship was beyond the one of a close brother.

In the land of Aiye-De, it was forbidden to go to the farm every last Friday of the month. Who ever is guilty of this will have to face great consequences and the wrath of the gods or sacrifice will be carried to apeace the gods of the land.

Such day by the villagers believe the god of harvest do make a visit to their farm and bless their hand work by giving them good harvest in return. Ola as a teenager has ask his mom several time the story or misery behind the day but he was unable to get a story that will satisfy his hunger, so one day he decided to visit the farm on the day that the god do visit them.

Ola told Ade about his plan, which Ade tried to stop him, but ola has made up his mind and on that faithful day he visited the farm but he was unable to see any god. Ola return and told Ade it was all lies there are know gods who they believed do visit their farm

Ola began to have mysterious nightmare day after day seeing different creatures chasing after him in the dream. Ola could know longer hold it, but eventually told his mom about what he has done.