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RE: STACH Short Story Contest #19: 199 words, 5 winners, 15SBD prize pool!

in #writing6 years ago

The Haunted Trail

For a while now, after ten in the evening, there were these strange cries that could be heard outside the village, as if children were being gutted. By midnight, the cries sounded as if they were right outside our windows. No one knew who was crying.
A shaman resided outside the village so I went to fetch her. All plea that we leave before dark fell on deaf ears. We ended up leaving when it was dark.
I was on tenterhooks.
In less than twenty minutes, the cries started. Bringing out talismans, she muttered something, and as if on cue, wraiths attacked her. Not waiting to see the aftermath, I took to my heels. Not long after, the cries replaced her screams. I was alone, and in enemy territory.
The village was a couple of minutes away. Chancing a glance backward, I could make out their outline, as they chased me.
Using adrenaline, I barely made it past the village boundary with them close behind but they could not cross over till midnight. The entire trail was covered in their shadows as they cried.
Never again am I taking that path!