My Greatest Strength

in #writing6 years ago

This post was co-published at

I recently showed one of my query letters to someone I trust.

Eh, I've seen worse.

And he let me know what he thought.

The Big Question

For reference, I should explain that a query letter is a written proposal put forth by an author in which he asks an agent for representation. Not all the readers of this blog are familiar with the industry, after all.

And authors sometimes seek help in writing their query letters, which is why I showed this one to a trusted third party.

This person gave me the best advice of which he was capable. There was nothing mean spirited about his reaction, although he did have quite a few suggestions I was not expecting. On the whole, the experience was highly beneficial.

However, looking back, he said one thing that puzzled me, and that, looking back, I have to disagree with.

It all boils down to one question, which he asked me after reading the letter:

"So what?"

The topic was narrative structure. I made a point, in the letter, to claim that I thrive on narrative structure and that the book I was pitching was structured powerfully.

And his reaction was "So what?"

His point, if I'm not mistaken, was that having a talent for structure was not impressive, or perhaps that a talent for structure was not what he believed agents were looking for. And he could be right about that. When selling a car, you don't brag about how well-built the machine is. Instead, you show off the features---the thrust of acceleration, the gas mileage, the heated seats, the sunroof, the twenty different airbags that will explode in your face from every imaginable direction.

And most people can't consciously recognize good narrative structure when it happens, so why bother advertising it.

Here's the Thing, Though...

You may see the fight for publication as a kind of war. Or you might see it as a kind of negotiation.

It doesn't really matter which, because the basic rules are the same for both. You have to engage from a point of strength. And my strength IS narrative structure.

It's not the only thing I've got going for me, of course. My characters, for instance, are fun and frictive, well balanced and sympathetic. But I can't claim that characters are my dominant strength.

If you pit my books against the books of a master character builder---say, for example, Charles Dickens---there's no way I'm going to win that fight. Dickens's character roster is among the most powerful ever built, surpassed by Shakespeare and few others.

As a writer, it's important to honestly audit your own capabilities, and, honestly, I will never surpass the great character creators of my own era, much less the greatest ones of all time.

But I don't need to surpass them. Countless authors do just fine, and go on to great success, without having better characters than Dickens or Shakespeare. These authors don't even try to outdo them. They don't try to become the best in the world at one aspect of writing or another. Instead, they identify the aspects of writing in which they are already the best, and they market that.

In selling a book, the rule is that the author must play to his strengths. And structure happens to be mine.

My penchant for narrative structure can stand toe to toe with the best in the field. In this respect, I am among the best of my generation. And if Dickens (whose narrative structures, across his career, were hit and miss) were to duel me in this arena, I'd beat him back to the Victorian-era sweatshop he crawled out of.

The Aftermath

Following the advice of this third party, I removed all references to structure from the query letter before sending it out. That was a mistake. Because when it comes to narrative structure, I have something truly extraordinary to offer, and it doesn't do any good to hide that fact.

You don't convince people to choose you by hiding what makes you exceptional.

And it was necessary for me to learn this, which is why I still see the experience as a an overall positive. People aren't necessarily wowed when you tell them your car is well built. But if the people in question are those who work with cars, and who understand the underlying mechanics that make certain cars better than others, you'll find them to be a bit more receptive.

When I get published, it will be at the hands of someone who appreciates narrative structure and understands its role in making great books. That much is clear.

So, in the meantime, I need to be clear that I have what such a publisher is looking for. That's my clear path to publication. What else can I do but walk it?

There are 2 pages

Your great strength is your writing skill.
Keep writting

You are a captivating writer, and your command will be and I say this after reading only this post. 🦋
Have you toyed with the idea of Amazon, kindle, Apple Book shop and google books?
Someone like you could be that 1 out of 10,000 that soars into fame and fortune that way.
Aside from these potentially annoying (and common) suggestions, the same thought keeps sparking in my mind- and I am compelled to say it, even though it is stating the obvious.

Activating Thought Cloud Simulator

🚨⚡️beep bloop beep bleep ⚡️🚨

⌨️*There are many new ways to publish and monetize thanks to Blockchain projects galore and content distribution is one of the things that will morph into a new creature altogether soon enough.💡I bet you could be ARE one of the pioneers of this publishing industry all blockchained out. and its disruption (excuse my buzzword)

Novels, on a Blockchain based distribution, without the middle man raking your earnings into their Bentley’s. that would be awesome | That WILL be awesome.*_


Most of the writers disappointing and not publishing their writings due to publisher issues! Sometimes, due to this reason lot more Charles Dickens or William Shakespeare's are among us, but never be visible! That's a chaos! But I wish you will win this barrier!


Thank you for wishing for my success.

Always supporting you bro! I hope to read your book in 2018! Yeah I mean this year!


You did it right, showing your manuscript to a person who is a professional in his business. Now you know his opinion. I really like how you feel about publishing your book. There's a saying "warned, then armed." Thank you for the interesting message.

You right said sir,the basic rules are the same for both

Such a wonderful and interesting article by @talanhorne...
Actually I'm always respect and appreciate for your uncommon and caluble ideas...
Smart work sir...
I think your smart writtern is your best strength...
Keep it up writting...

wow great post nice writting. i like this sir

Another wonderful and interesting topic for blogging by @talanhorne sir...
I think your greatest strength is your smart commiunication skills...that is amazing sir...
I'm always respect and appreciate your writtern and presentation skill...
Following your blog and articles...I think I can mortivate myself...
Waiting for your next valuble update in this platform...
Keep it up posting..

I agree with you that now it is very difficult for many writers to publish their work in order to acquire a mass reader and there are many reasons for this, but you are truly a talented person and I wish you that your works will be published and will please us all! Thank you @talanhorne

Hello @talanhorne,

Extraordinary good article about the challenges while publishing a book. You got the incredible talent & you will make the success story at the end too.


@talanhorne sir....
I think we always try understand our strength snd is very important to us...for maintain our success....control our stress...and build up our smart future...

Some examples of weaknesses you might mention include:

  1. Being too critical of yourself
  2. Attempting to please everyone
  3. Being unfamiliar with the latest software

Some examples of strengths you might mention include:

  1. Enthusiasm
  2. Trustworthiness
  3. Creativity
  4. Discipline
  5. Patience
  6. Respectfulness
  7. Determination
  8. Dedication
  9. Honesty
  10. Versatility

Wel done and perfect work @talanhorne sir..
All the Best...

That's a greatest writing post. Very long but easy to understand.
You shared best experience. I much like it. Best effort.

it is such a good point also

You have to engage from a point of strength. And my strength IS narrative structure.

And you should stick to it and not let anyone tell you what to do. “Stick to your gut” that’s what my grandma always said. Your writing is exceptional. It’s diffrent and refreshing.

good writing skill,,,
lovely........thanks for sharing

“So what” that’s funny reaction. Your writing ✍️ is always interesting. You being you makes you so great. Looking forward to your book and best of luck to your publishing.

Thank you for that. You have no idea how much of a confidence boost I get when you say you look forward to my book.

Really good points and i think you took a good decision following the advice of this third party, i mean when you hear advices you improve your skills. Regards

@talanhorne, Firstly I give huge thanks to you coz you posted important discussion indeed posts. There're more suggestions. Someone need to take some ideas sure you can get it definitely. Your publication experience can be helpful others who want to write and publish books and other fields. Big effort.

Very nice. publishing blog life
post this post to you for thank you very much and post like I post vote and comments and post share-I, so that as this post all see and this post to everyone can vote

This is great publishing and great writing experience.

High strength publishing work @talanhorne. You given best message via post. Thank you. Have a nice day.

Always publications and topics at the top of tender and magnificence Madam
It is an honor for me to be one of your followers
The thing I want to tell you is to trust yourself and do not care about the opinions of others
Greetings, leader

You are a good person to write.your ideas and writing have been fulfilled.
(((((( Resteem service)))))

wow this is really cool
thanks for sharing............./////////

Your strength & skills can do everything possible. Excellent writing~

it will be great if it first goes in those hands who understand and respect its value

you surely right, don't walk other people path. it just like chasing a shadow. At the end, you'll always lose.. You need strong hearth to walk on our own path..have faith, believe, and most of all endurance. Because, we never know where the road is ended, the doors is opened.

you have the creativity and the support one need during that time so its all great keep going :)

You're a good knowledge person about writing and it's very difficult.
Your job is excellent Blog.
Thanks @talanhorne
Have a nice day

@talanhorne - Sir your greatest strength is your writing skills... Sharpen the skills Sir... No one can beat you then... Wish you great of luck Sir...


That is article is professional & Excellent writing . so great experience.
Thanks @talanhorne
100% like and resteem

creativeness matters in the end you have that along with you forever great publication you shared thanks for sharing

Be true to yourself, stay focused and stay you, take advice from other folks, use what you can, but never mind what is not for you. For the most part, trust yourself and believe in what you are doing. I look forward to your publications.

Cool friends @talanhorne

nice way to writing very good,,,,

Good writing you just shared.Writing is very hard.
For your post propagation.

A masterpiece will trigger inspiration. Keep working. If you succeed, keep working. If you fail, keep working. If you're interested, keep working. If you are tired, keep working. " [Michael Crichton] that is the wise words because although many things are too odd to believe, there is nothing too odd to occur.
I had experienced the same thing with you. But I really appreciate the author for not everyone can write. The author was created, in a creation of someone directing not only all the knowledge, power, and ability alone, but include the entire soul and breath of her life to pour in the pen so that people can read it.
Thank you for sharing @talanhorne your experience ... continue to work and I will support you also wait for the results of your writing. The spirit of Comrade @talanhorne
** no book if without author **

Congratulations @talanhorne
Now you are in the MinnowsPower Loyalty Member List...!!!

Wish you'll get a publisher soon...!!!

100% Upvoted by @MinnowsPower

if that is clear then you are about to explore the new horizons of the publication secret it will be good for you as an author

Excellent writting.I really enjoy your writting so much.

Show your strength, the world is awaiting for it.

Awesome you are . your every post is awesome .
You have very best strength of effective writing .
Keep it up .

Hello Sir @talanhorne, I'm really astonishing for your brilliant creativity article's writing. Really sir, i appreciate your discussion. Yes you absolutely right that, now a days ,many writers want to publish their work in order to acquire a mass reader and there are many reasons for this and it is so much difficult for those people , but you are the real writer on of tham and you are capable for your powerful writing scale . I wish that, your writing books will never vanish, it will be publish on world book. I hope that, we will seen this as soon. ..
Keep it up Sir...
I'm waiting for your next powerful post.
I support you

a very interesting topic, I really enjoy your writings and stories.
keep on sharing

@talanhorne to be a writer you have to have a lot of imagination and talent .. 

At present there are many writers with little talent and they still become famous but the fame lasts little since they are writers who only make 1 good book and then they turn off .. 

At least you have imagination and write very easily and that is very good ..

Amazing blog post sir such an amazing work,dealing with these real time issues and helping us how to sort them is absolutly great.

This is professional writing experience and great work.
Upvote Resteem

Very nice i like it

I think you are very sporty.
because in my opinion, a great writer is a writer who is not as proud and kind as you are.
I really like your style @talanhorne.

There are 2 pages