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RE: MAKE L O V E - NOT ...

in #writingclub2 years ago

Hello my friend @erh.germany!

Thank you for the reply here, you never fail to impress with the depth to your insight.

it is probably that we understand and envy those dancing and drumming by the fire so well when they celebrate their lusts and rituals all together, where no one from the village would think of going to work while singing and dancing of all things.

I never even considered this aspect before, and it makes a lot of sense to me. We're a tribal species at our core with a primal sense for the state of others around us. It's interesting to note how "intuitive" senses of people around us are considered "not" a reliable source of information for communication. Modern psychology uses models to suppress this kind of thinking in therapy as well, through "statistical evaluation" LOL.
In CPT Cognitive Processing Therapy, intuitive based reactions are called "stuck points", in which the person who trusts their instincts is taught to devalue their instincts by measuring the likeliness of certain occurrences. It's a subtle way to change/manipulate/brainwash perception, and this is only one example of plenty that are embedded into society.

So here's to the opening of clubs and discos that sought to create this simultaneity in experience for people, I wouldn't have known what to do with myself in the young years of my disco pilgrimage. All other festivities included. Where people are forbidden to celebrate (or even to mourn together), it will take hold in frustration in all the repressed cells and want to emerge all the angrier. Pornography, for example, is mentioned as one such repressed sexual need.

Another great insight that I've never considered before and it makes perfect sense! Furthermore, it's common for people to go a bit overboard with their weekend clubbing, but in this sense I only mean with the use of intoxicating chemicals. There's no way to go overboard with having fun otherwise right? lol
This to me, would be an indicator that humanity is in a slavery state and people work too many hours. Some who work insanely long hours might argue that there is nothing wrong with working 12 hours a day, but they may be suffering from some kind of stockholm syndrome, in that they willfully refuse to see the proverbial shackles which bind them and limit their freedom and time for enjoyment, and choose to defend their slavery as being a good thing.

In my view, it is easier for children to notice how adults make love without making a big issue of it. Just like when you don't lock the toilets, but nudity is something normal among the elderly. Every physical need, including burping and farting, which is suppressed in the long term, leads not only to the proverbial stomach ache, but also to emotional distress, because one is denying oneself love.

This is a topic that comes with some extreme polarizations in how people see it. Modern culture demonizes all of these natural bodily functions, (in a public sense) to create feelings of shame, guilt, secretiveness, and disconnectedness to others. No one has a better sense of what is appropriate for what their children should be exposed to or not exposed to than the parents, but yet parents will send their children to public schools with complete strangers as teachers to give their children the intimate insights of life. It amazes me that people are still not aware of how messed up this cultural model really is.

What is perceived as unpleasant in oneself through the sounds of other people having sex is of course not something that the others may be blamed for. People confuse cause and effect.

Yes! Couldn't agree more with this. In my opinion, hearing some healthy sex should sexually excite the person hearing it, end of story :)

Thank you for the LOVEly response! :-D


I need to read your answer again in depth. So I will come back to you :)
