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RE: New member!

in #xtreme4 years ago

Only done it once, the post yesterday will show you who got the hive, and why. I'm not one to reward low effort though, and will never reward someone if no effort, personality and passion isn't shown. Certainly now when that's the point of the whole thing. I'm the same in real life.

The link will be fine, to that post, although it may stop or change at a moment's notice depending on my mood and the interest and then it may then lead them to something that is a dead concept. It may be better to direct them to specific users you trust and respect? People who support the right behaviours. That way the onus is also on them to make some effort to follow and engage. I'm not sure.

I actually hate competitions here mostly. I'm more interested in giving people a way to engage, to build relationships. By doing this (experiment) with the weekend-engagement thing it gives people a chance to cross-engage with other comments and I get to post out some names on Monday that people have a chance to check out. That's my thought anyway. It will probably morph into something else. I'm thinking about a Community.