Feathered Friends - Show Me A Photo Contest Round 165

in Feathered Friends28 days ago

Hello Feathered Friends Lovers,

Welcome to #SMaP Show Me A Photo Contest Round 165

For this round I want to show me bird or birds perching on wire. This is very common to see the pigeons, sparrows, swallows, doves and jackdaws on wire. And not only these feathered friends, I am sure you can find more, just look around and see who lined up. Sometimes it is only one bird. But I can tell you that I see a bunch of them quite often.

Here are my examples to illustrate the theme - Bird/s on Wire.

A sparrow

Couple of barn swallows.


And a couple of pigeons.





Now is your turn and let me see your photos of birds, but first read carefully the rules below⬇️


Show me your photo of a bird, following these rules:

  • The photo must be your own.
  • Post in the community Feathered Friends
  • You may add more photos, but you should state which one is your entry, otherwise the first will be taken into account.
  • Tell us something about your photo/s.
  • Your photo must follow the weekly theme.
  • Please put the link of your entry in the comment section of the contest post here.
  • Put in the title of your post that this is an entry for the contest. (Optional)
  • Use #smap as a tag.

Last, but not least - have fun!

If you create quality post with more images and interesting story about them, making extra effort can give you bigger upvotes and attract curators. Keep that in mind.




Five winners and each winner will receive 2 Hive and 600 Ecency POINTS, thanks to Feathered Friend community and @barbara-orenya.

The winners will receive 0,05 HP from our sponsor @sagarkothari88

Each valid entry will receive 60 Ecency Points as a tip!

Use the tag #slothbuzz to get support from Sloth.Buzz community.

Please take you time to visit the blogs of our sponsors and give them some love. We are most grateful for their generosity.

For those who are not familiar with Ecency POINTS - the ecency.com and its mobile version reward the users with POINTS when post, comment and using Ecency apps. The accumulated points can be used to promote your posts or to be gifted to other users.


A new feature is introduced - Boost+ that allows to use your points to receive delegation. The old Boost is no longer in use and is replaced by the Boost+.

Now Feathered Friends Community begins receiving POINTS when you post in the community, thanks to the initiative created by Ecency. This way the community is earning POINTS and gladly will reward the winners with them.

Another feature introduced by Ecency is tipping from ecency.com. Now you can tip in Hive, Hive dollars or Points when you use ecency.com.

Feathered Friends Community is grateful to all who set the community as beneficiary on their posts. If you like to help the community, you may also donate HP to @hive-106444. Your support will help building higher VP and higher votes on your posts.

All comments written on Feathered Friends, Shadow Hunters, Ladies of Hive, Feel Good community posts receive staked ARCHON tokens.



banner and feather divider created by @barbara-orenya


Thank you for viewing.


gif by @irisworld


Enjoying this community already and I will never miss to have an entry.
The quest to search for birds is a cool one for me.
Thanks @nelinoeva. Here's is my entry for this round 165: https://ecency.com/hive-106444/@captainman/my-entry-for-the-smap?referral=captainman

Wonderful! Thank you so much!🙂

Hello, dear Neli, here is my entry this time.
I had red-rumped and barn swallows. yours also looks like a barn swallow.??
Last time I missed it. couldn't find any photos of birds with trash, I had a lot of birds with food. Anyway, I am here this time.


Thank you do much for your entry.🙂
Yes, there are barn swallows in one of my photo.
Off to check your post.

Let's see what you've got here.🙂

Hello Lady @nelinoeva
I loved this week's challenge.
This is the photograph and the url of my participation


Hello sweetheart.❤
So nice to see your entry.

Another entry not at the deadline, I'm getting the hang of this! :)



LOL. You know that you are always on time.😄

Thank you! :)) !LUV

nelinoeva, pardinus sent you LUV. 🙂 (1/1) tools | trade | connect | wiki | daily

Made with LUV by crrdlx.

Beautiful larks!

Similar, but no larks here ;) Thanks for the visit.

Oh, I am sorry, blame my bad English without checking the dictionary.
I wanted to say 'swallow', but confused the word and wrote 'lark' instead 😜

Ehehehe no worries! !BEER

Hey @portal-xenna, here is a little bit of BEER from @pardinus for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Time to fly🐦🦅

Yeah, it is time to fly. :-)

But I'll need a bird to borrow wings


This post was curated by the Visual Shots Team
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| 25 HP | 50 HP | 100 HP | 200 HP | 500 HP | 1000 HP |

Thank you very much for your kind support!

Look at that little cutie😍

Glad you like them. :-)

I absolutely do

Birdie ready to make the sky it's very own playground! Nice, isn't it?

Well said, thanks for stopping by.:-)

How are you dear friend @nelinoeva, good morning. I love this week's slogan
With Abigail we are already having fun looking for birds on cables, we have found some birds posing peacefully
I take this opportunity to wish you a great day.

Oh that is great news. This is going to be a fun week. 🙂

Good morning dear friend @nelinoeva, how are you?
This is the image and the link of my post
I take this opportunity to wish you a splendid day.


Wonderful image 🙂

Peeking out, what a lovely capture @jlufer

A nice seagull posed me on a wire for this week:

Welcome back!🙂

 23 days ago (edited) 

Well balanced, plenty space to fly off quickly, why would anyone stop looking? My entry for 165 thanks Neli for reminding me of so many happy moments we do enjoy. Bird On The Wire

Selected this week the tiny little white-bellied sunbird that is shy when seeing a camera. Has a terrific song as well.....

Fantastic! Thank you, Joan! 🙂

Always a pleasure, ironically I seldom use my photos on wires !LOLZ

How does a tiger find his favorite song on Apple Music?
He uses their algrrrythm

Credit: reddit
@nelinoeva, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of joanstewart

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.

Glad to come back to the community @nelinoeva, now that spring/summer is finally here and we're outside with the camera more often!

Here's my entry for this round no. 165 (link to full post below image):



Welcome back! Glad you join us again.🙂