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RE: Top 5 Best Fantasy Anime of 2023 | Nattosheru Review [ENG/SPA]

in The Anime Realm • last month

Maybe I kinda compare it with 7deadly sins that's why I got bored with it? I'm not sure but yeah agree with the nostalgia.

Ohhh okay, I'll start with DanMachi as you say. 😅
I hope I can find it in Netflix.. but even not there it's also fine.

Thank you also for this list!


Maybe that was the mistake, I don't know, but since it is a separate story from the main one, it probably didn't catch your attention from the beginning. However, if you rewatch it as a new story, you might like it, maybe.

I'm not sure where else to find DanMachi, but it's worth seeking out and checking out.

Thanks, again. 🤗