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RE: Returning to the normal.

Oh yes, I forget and you also have them in human form 😜 !LOLZ

3-4 Power cuts per day and suddenly it's Friday night now my friend.
I do hope that your Friday was good πŸ™‚

Cheers and thanks.

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Hihi, of course we have human pigs ... sadly they are more pigs than the real pigs are πŸ€” !LOLZ

Sh*t Power cuts πŸ‘Ž

My past two days have been very lazy, as said in the other reply, but I hope today is better 😊

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always πŸ˜‰

I think that this is the same across the world my friend πŸ˜‰ !LOLZ

So, a 4pm power cut was scheduled for today, and we cancelled our plans to visit a friend. Then out of the blue, at 3pm, we received a message that they changed their minds and the 4pm power cut is now cancelled. I wonder how many people cancelled their plans, but there is nothing that we can do about it.

I also hope that today will be much better for you πŸ˜€πŸ™

Cheers and thanks.

Sadly you're so very right, my friend - there are pigs all around 🫣 !LOLZ

It would be easier when they would keep to their plans and shut the power off as promised. I would certainly get mad if I cancelled a plan and then they don't cut the power off.

Today was fine, and I do hope your day was awesome πŸ˜€

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always πŸ˜‰

That's what makes the places so smelly methinks 🀣 !LOLZ

You are right, but we discovered long ago that anger is a waste of brain cells, as there is nothing that we can do about it. A real cheek is that they keep on raising the electricity service charges, and it forces us to pay for electricity that we do not have 😑

Thank you and I am glad that you had a good day my friend.

Cheers and thanks.

Hihi, I can smell it everywhere πŸ˜‚ !LOLZ

Yep, anger is just a waste of time and brain cells, but sometimes it's a good feeling to be just angry and shout this feeling out loud 😑

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always πŸ˜‰

Hahaha, if you smell them, then you can avoid them πŸ₯΄ !LOLZ

Ach! Can you imagine a few million angry people walking around and yelling out loud at the top of their voices. I am sure that a mountain goat, as far away as Austria will hear the angry shouts 😳

Cheers and thanks.

Not in our company - you have to work with them and even listen to them if they are higher up than you are 😜 !LOLZ

Haha, yes I can imagine that, but I am sure if the ones in the south start yelling angry, the ones in the north will follow and then the Yeti on top of the Mount Everest or even the Man on the Moon will hear the yelling as one voice from Earth ... πŸ€”

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always πŸ˜‰

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