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RE: Hard Milk And Chicken

in #life6 months ago

Hehe, I put it in thinking of the other day.

There is a minty one, I like the sound of grasshoppers. Maybe this is going to be a life changing event. Things might go totally different after tonight!! Hehe 😀😀


That's awesome lol. I will be interested in a follow up to your post to see what hard milk you decide to try! In any case, enjoy it to the utmost!

Hehe, I have had a bourbon aand biscoff one, which was yummy. a Jack daniels one with coffee liquer as well which was nice and a bit bitter in a good way and finally I had a Mint Panther Milk and choc chip ice cream with mint chocolate which frankly was so sweet I had to go onto beer after it to fight the sugar high!

I have enjoyed em but not sure if Iwould seek them out intentionally! lol

Yes, my first thought is as a dessert drink, but the beer wins out in the end!