Chronicles of Surrealism

in #mywartimediary9 months ago

I have noticed the longer I stay silent, the harder it is to get back to posting. It's like surfing. In the midst of an unstable ocean of emotions, you must catch a wave. Also, I must wear a bandage (or immobilizer) on the right wrist. This is another reason why I started this post on Friday and finish today.


Nevertheless, the very fact that I'm saying Hello to you is a sign that I'm alive, which is not so little.

Summertime... Sun shines bright, and life is in full swing. The second summer of a big war. And it looks as if our life, I mean Ukrainians living in Ukraine, is stuck somewhere in between.

It's vacation time. After the dam on the Dnieper was blown up, the beaches on the Black Sea coast were closed. But people still come, because rest is very necessary. Therefore, the local authorities of Odesa recently placed special anti-mine nets in the sea at a certain distance from the shore. Earlier ... in the summer ... nets against mosquitoes or flies. And now against mines. And behind them in the sea are Russian ships with missiles ready for launch.


And at this time, newspapers are published in Serbia with headlines about how Ukraine attacked Russia. And in Russia itself, students are told in history lessons that Ukraine is an ultra-fascist state. It's so absurd that it's still hard to believe sometimes.

Surrealism is characterized by liberation from the predominance of rational thinking. As a direction of art, it arose after the First World War in France among the Dadaists, whose art expressed the absurdity of the world, disillusionment with the values and ideals that prevailed before the First World War, but could not avert it and even contributed to it to a certain extent. Sounds very familiar.

I have been living in concentrated surrealism for 18 months now.


Regarding art. To brighten up my life, I visited an art exhibition "100 unknown works of Maria Prymachenko". She painted in a naive art style but yet her art is a mixture of life and rich imagination. Sometimes it seems like a child's imagination... The exhibition featured many works dedicated to World War II and the Chornobyl tragedy. Naive, but very deep.




I thought I was used to living like this. Many of us also did. Not to plan, not to dream, and to cherish this very moment in which I am. A brief moment of balance.

Until one day ... My usual morning coffee is interrupted by a loud kaboom, somewhere very close. My heart freezes, and the bolt of cold goes through my body like a current. And then another one. That's it. Enough to shatter my illusion of life. The pink and blue filter switches to black and gray. I understand that death stands next to life, holding hands.

A big ocean wave of everything that I tried not to think about, that I tried not to notice. It is covering me, and I recall the recent news about acquaintances and friends, injured but alive. I remember two girls from Zaporizhzhia who sang in the street to support the townspeople after the Russian shelling. And an hour later another rocket killed them. An endless series of fires, destruction, and dead bodies. All the pent-up pain, anger, and injustice instantly erase all my invented reasons for joy, all the good things that happened to me.

Good things - what are they? That evening, my hubby and I met with friends whom we had not seen for a long time, for years already. To be honest, we met now because Nick had a need for his service in AF related to their business. But still, it was nice to see old friends and know all the updates.


What else is good? My daughter's wedding is supposed to be a good thing. Yes, it is, but... I need proper attire - a dress, and shoes. I spent 4 days searching and trying on. I experienced incredible heat, when standing in a traffic jam, the thermometer of my car showed +39. It is a very unpleasant experience to drive in such heat.


So, on the 4th day of searches, I was still without a dress. If it had been someone other than my daughter, I would probably have declined the invitation. I don't want to let her down, but on the other hand, I'm not ready to pay that money for a dress, a piece of fabric, because something I even liked wasn't cheap. But the worst thing is that I lost my favorite ring in some of the fitting rooms. I couldn't even remember which stores I was in....

I shared my misfortunes with an acquaintance. To my surprise, she offered me an option that was perfect for me at the moment - embroidered dress! My old dream never comes true because it is such a thing you never have spare money for. Something that will show not the thickness of my wallet, but my identity. And what I will definitely want to wear many times. This is how I became the owner of the largest collection of photos of embroidered dresses.😂


Eventually, I founded it, my dress. It was a huge relief! Here is it:


And in a few days Nick persuaded me that I still can return to the area I were shopping and ask about my ring. I was certain only about the last store I visited but what have I got to lose? When I entered the shop the saleswoman gave me a big smile, and before I could ask anything, she said, "Yes! I've been waiting for you all week." ❤️ This lady made my day. Thanks the Lord for the good people!


It remains to find 6 bottles of white semi-dry or semi-sweet wine preferably with a not-too-low supply temperature (I know and I don't approve of it either, but it's not my choice), and I personally am ready for the celebrating.

Who collects clothes for wounded soldiers in the hospital? I do. Who buys the dress and the wine? Also me. Surrealism as it is.

A few days ago Nat and her hubby moved from my mom's flat. They want to live separately. They have been looking for an apartment for rent for several months. This is the western part of Ukraine, and the real estate market there is crazy. In a small city with 300,000 people, rent prices are the same as here in the capital. And at the same time, the apartments the tenant is located as soon as the ad is published. Well, my children are finally lucky. They found a very good apartment. I am happy for them.

Also today my mother called and told me the news. Good and very sad in the same time. She sold our house in the village. None of us lived there permanently, and my home is now here. But it's as if I lost something very dear and special. It's like ... a part of me became homeless. Still it is good that someone will take care of the house and the garden, and it will not turn more and more abandoned. Although, I will never know it.

The End.


Yes, your life is definitely surreal. But thankfully, there are beautiful moments for recovered rings, lovely embroidered dresses, weddings, anticipated time with family, and snuggles with your sweetie. Thanks for touching base with us, and I hope your wrist will heal soon! 😊

and snuggles with your sweetie.

You feel me!! I so much look forward to it!

Although this was heavy for my heart, it was also a relief to read.

Because I understand how you walk in between two worlds. And it is surreal.

Yes. A year and a half or more and still a war going on over there. Crazy :(

I still feel like an alien over here. Watching life happen and wishing I could go back and unhappen so much of these last years.

All I keep saying to myself is "one day at a time" right now.

This life, huh?!

Sending love, beautiful soul ❤️

Keep on keeping on

One day at a time - I like how it sounds. Because no matter how much shit we have in our life right now, no one can promise that from tomorrow it will not seem like an easy walk.

I know you are strong and conscious, but please take care of yourself ❤️


Oh you ❤️🔥

Ditto my dear woman.

And thank you for the wise words

Приймаченко дивовижна жінка. Завжди замислююсь, що вона мала в голові, щоб так малювати?Мабуть завжи жила в казкових фантазіях, без цього так не немалюєш.
Пам'ятаю себе в дитинстві, я просто дивилася заставку у програмі "на добраніч діти", мені подобалося, дивовижно казково. Зараз, коли показую своєму синові, це його не вражає, у нього другі цінності.

Колекції фото вишитих суконь чудова, я вже очима приміряла одну з них)) Я лише мрію.

Вашу доньку зі святом весілля. Це гарне свято, хай живуть щасливо.

До речі, гарне кільце, просто чудове.

Приймаченко дивовижна жінка. Завжди замислююсь, що вона мала в голові, щоб так малювати?Мабуть завжи жила в казкових фантазіях, без цього так не немалюєш.
Пам'ятаю себе в дитинстві, я просто дивилася заставку у програмі "на добраніч діти", мені подобалося, дивовижно казково. Зараз, коли показую своєму синові, це його не вражає, у нього другі цінності.

Десь прочитала, що в Києві їй не дозволяли відвідувати зоопарк, щоб не зіпсувати чи не розчарувати її уяву. Але я чомусь думаю, що це б на її малюнки ніяк не вплинуло ))

Сучасні діти інші, бо їм не треба нічого уявляти. Те, що вони бачать навколо чи в цифровому світі, набагато перевершує те, що вони можуть уявити. І ще вони мало читають, і багато дивляться. Цікаво, яке воно буде, їхнє майбутнє... Головне, щоб воно було мирне.

Дякую за добі слова!

Your blog posts during this nightmare you're living through are so valuable to the outside world and you're brave for continuing to share your experiences with us. When I was a boy reading about wars in the history books I assumed people's personal lives stopped during times of war, you're showing the world it's much more complex. Life somehow goes on. You have struggles, challenges, fears, but also those beautiful moments. Thanks for sharing this with us and I hope your life can go back to normal soon. Take care of yourselves.

This is the question I ask myself whenever I write a post - is it valuable? Interesting to anyone? A lot of people and media write about Ukraine. Besides, war is not an exciting topic that people would "read and enjoy". However, before the big war, I posted about many things and I wasn't that picky about the value or importance of the content because it was fun. Now I often feel like I lost myself...

That is why I am very grateful for your words.💙

Your writing is immensely valuable to the outside world because, many times, it's a completely different perspective from what we see in the mainstream media. I think gathering your blogs from the past year together and self-publishing them in book form would be a great idea. It would be an education for readers about how complex war really is. I know a book designer that could help make that happen if you should ever like to do it. Let me know if you'd ever like me to make that introduction. I wish you a wonderful weekend!

You are so kind , and I have no words to express my gratitude for your wirds, to every your comment.

Sometimes I think that my "online diary" whould be great to save for my grandparenth (hope to have them). But first, we all have to live to see that day, when it all over.

I'm so glad you found your dream dress in the end, the embroidery on pink is so sharp, can't wait to see you wear it at Nat's wedding, you will be the most kickass cool mother in law!!! And well done on finding your ring again, it's so unique!!

Take care as always 💛💙

Thank you sooo much! Now when everything is ready (today I got the last 6 bottles of wine) I can feel how much I look forward to it - to see everyone and hug, and just share our good event (which in fact means multiply 😉 ) Finger crossed and let everything work out 🤞

Love and light dear @zirochka I can’t even imagine what you all are going through cause I haven’t witnessed any war before but I have seen tons of them in movies and they are bloody how much more in real life where there’s no cut, camera, action just raw action!

From this part of the world I send the biggest and warmest !hug, please just hang in there, you all are gonna be fine, if not now but eventually.

My prayers are with you all.

Dear @zirochka, you just got hugged.
I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @ibbtammy.

Thanks for your words of support, dear @ibbtammy 💙💛 It really means a lot to me.

You are most welcome Ma’am

So good to hear from you! Love that dress, great to see the pictures and hear your thoughts. So hard to have your childhood home sold. One of my favorite posts is when you went there. So beautiful. Thanks for sharing the art work of Maria Prymachenko too!

Thank you, Sarah. Your comment warmed my heart.


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Very sobering to read this post written "from the heart" I am sure, @zirochka. How can anyone not there "on the ground," in such circumstances fully understand? I do not know the answer, but am sure your writing helps "close the gap" considerably ...

"... characterized by liberation from the predominance of rational thinking."

While not actively engaged (yet) in war here, this stood out to me, as it speaks to far too much of what we seem to be experiencing all over the world these days. Our "new normal" world ...

"Liberation" is a powerful word, derived as it is from liberty. If "rational thinking" does not prevail, then what? "Liberation" into what instead? Vital questions. Ones which I think far too few take any time to ponder ...

God bless, strengthen, and keep you and your loved ones, until you write to us again!


War is the most irrational thing I can imagine. Isn't it a liberation from the rational thinking? Ever since human race wanted to call itself humane, wars have been started for the sake of liberation...

Thank you so much for being so careful reader, and your comments are always meangful.

Yes, agreed. Destruction of life and property is irrational. Sadly, as we both know, war has been with mankind for ages, nonetheless.

Something greater, then, must be ... "at work" ... in those who override this truth. Reminds me of words which have been so important in my own life:

"... promising them freedom while they themselves are slaves of corruption; for by what a man is overcome, by this he is enslaved."

How many ancient "promises" of "liberation" ended up with this ultimately exposed as the reality? Enslavement ...

We greatly admire the strength, courage, and resolute determination of the Ukrainian people to not succumb to this, in their heroic struggle against the evil of Russian aggression against them.

I love hearing from you, because I know you are still alive (as you mentioned in your post).

Regarding the sale of that home, I understand. I've gone through that, too. Yes, I don't live there, I'm with my husband, but it's like you'll never have it again.

Hugs to you!

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Dear @zirochka, you just got hugged.
I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @greensandpinks.

I am so happy you got your ring back, and found a lovely dress for the wedding! I hope it is a special and peaceful wedding day.

Thank you. I can't wait :)

По-перше, радий, що живі, здорові.
По-друге, вітаю все ж таки з радісною подією - одруження доньки.
В такий нелегкий час для України, мають бути і приємні події ;-)
По-третє, вітаю, що змогли вибрати сукню. Із того переліку, що ви приміряли цікаві варіанти (зліва- направо): 3-я зверху, 1-а в середньому ряду (хоч 3-я схожа, але не те), 1-а в нижньому ряду. Це суб'єктивна думка.
А ось тої, що ви вибрали немає фото з примірки ;-)

Бережіть себе.

Чекаю вже того тижня відпустки, як манни небесної. Рівно 2 тижні залишилось чекати )
З сукнею то був наполовину компроміс із совістю, бо у "фінал" вийшли дві - одна за більше 20т, і рожева за 6 з невеличким ))) І в ній нема фотки бо ... все одно вже купила)) Надивилась за той час дуже багато, найгірше було те, що треба було вибрати з готових, які розбирали прямо за ногами, бо День Незалежності і 1 вересня на носі. А на виготовлення треба 3-4 тижні - тоді на весілля та сукня не встигала. Так що я прям дуже щаслива, шо то скінчилося вже.

Ви також бережіть себе, і дякую дуже за коментар!

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Потім напишете про ваші емоції, стосовно одруження доньки ?
Тепер відчувається невеличке напруження у вас.
Цікаво буде почути, що будете відчувати під час і вже коли все скінчиться та будете дома ;-)
Ви ж зрозуміли, що не просто цікавлюсь, в мене дві доньки ;-)

Домовились )

Surreal is about the only word one could aptly use in circumstances happening in Ukraine, both sides with different stories, a war that should never have started.

Hope you enjoy the wedding, the dress is lovely in handcraft neatly woven perfection.

@tipu curate 2

Thank you!

Lovely to see you back here @zirochka and I must say your story cheered me up, for some surreal reason😂

Surrealism is so ... surreal 😜😅

in a word YES lol

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Of course when one starts to make a post like this it takes time the way we see that you have shared many special things with us and all these things have taken a lot of people's work because we Let's see that an artist is one who spends a lot of time creating beautiful things.

looks as if our life, I mean Ukrainians living in Ukraine, is stuck somewhere in between.

Влучно сказано!!!


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