Conversations with Blurt Enthusiast @wil.metcalfe and a Travel Pro Up-Date!

Hey there friends on Blurt and beyond! First a little up-date regarding myself. As many of you have noticed my activity on Blurt has all but fallen off a cliff. I've recently started a new business in the newly legal cannabis industry with my girlfriend @junglegirl here in Thailand and it's basically an overnight booming success and the demand from our business is so high that we are pretty much working round the clock to keep up.

That being said, I'm still making time for my most important activities on Blurt, and of course that would be monitoring and participating in the witness chat.....basically making sure no "bad ideas" somehow surface to the to the Blurt to do list.

Furthermore. I had a real good idea to help keep my presence up here on Blurt, while helping others. It will certainly be a win-win for those who participate. So stay tuned and it will surely be rewarding and a whole lot of fun!

Now Onto the Main Event!

If you are like myself and @wil.metcalfe, a true Blurt enthusiast then here is a little podcast you may very well enjoy listening to. Get to know a little more about Wil; why he is a big believer in Blurt, and why he put his money where his mouth is as a top investor in the blockchain.

Now get comfortable and get ready for another inspiring conversation with Wil Metcalfe!


Photo Credit:

Click Hereand Vote World Travel Pro for Witness!


Click here to learn more about why it is Better on Blurt!

Learn how Hive is a totally centralized platform here

Learn how Hive is destroying itself and driving investment towards Blurt here

Find out who is in full control of the Hive blockchain here


As many of you have noticed my activity on Blurt has all but fallen off a cliff.

It's really because you are quite suicidal over the stagnating value of Blurt compared to everything else moving up with Bitcoin.

It is a shame to remember that back in a days I was upvoting and following your account.
Today I am going to MUTE you.
Because I do not want to hear anything about that shit blurt.
Stay happy in a shit. ADJOS