March 20th, 2021
Remembering the Past, Building the Dream
One year ago Hive was released for public use. I started on Hive Block Chain with a lot of hope for Hive. I believed it was a needed split, censorship was running rampant throughout the internet, and it had hit Steem Block Chain almost as soon as Ned sold Steemit out.
Some think things are not changing enough, or that nothing has really changed other than the name. I have been following @blocktrades and a few of the other developers and they had a lot of work to do fixing the old Steem Chain code and introducing new code to the system.
All the work has been in fixing and solidifying the foundation layer so that other applications can build on top of the Hive Block Chain.
It is difficult for the social user to see or understand how these fixes and changes will effect them. Soon we will have the Hard Fork that repairs the witness selection/retention system so that we have a little bit better control as users who we select and makes it much more difficult for a new bankroll to come in and just steem roll over us like you know who did.
I still hold out a lot of hope for Hive. I do not know what is being built over on steem, but when you look at some of the things happening on Hive from game and Investor points of view things seem to be pretty good and active.
Music, that is another area where Hive is really beginning to take off, there seems to be more and more independent musicians making appearances on Hive. Not just cover song singers, but bands with their own content their own style and sharing their music with us.
Content discovery is still a bit difficult but with the tools being made available you can now pretty much set up and have easy access to several different list/topics that you like with out having to follow each and every new person you find.
I have a pretty good core group of people that I follow and enjoy content from on a daily basis. Not all of them post everyday or post items I am interested in at the time. If I followed only people in my time zone my feed would be flooded all at the same time where as since I follow people from all around the world and several dozen time zones, there is almost always new content for when I look at hive.
It is that world view that I really enjoy about Hive. Not just the thoughts from my neighbors or those down the street or in the next town, but I can read thoughts from people every where. When we pick up a travel magazine to look at places all we are seeing are the shots allowed by someone else, filtered imagery. I don't care what part of the world you live in you will very rarely see a piece of garbage in a magazine scripted shot.
I get a real world view from peoples back yards and their local travels through the unfiltered lens of their smart phones or cameras.
Art, especially photographic art, is something I like to look at and enjoy, where I live there are a couple of local art galleries, and a few of the coffee shops that will display photographic art, but here on Hive I can view what I see as gallery quality art on an almost daily basis.
Well those are a few thoughts of what I have liked about this past year on Hive. I hope Hive continues to be a strong leader in the Social Side of Block Chains. A lot of people come for the money, the investment, the games, and perhaps a chance to try their hand at being a developer. Hive has thus far had a very positive user base. if a test team is needed it is not difficult to find people to test your game, idea, or application out.
It is one of the things I find kind of unique on Hive, even with a reward system, people are not afraid to speak their mind from what I have seen so far. If the boat needs rocking, then someone is going to rock the boat
Just as with all the different use groups on Hive, there is room for almost all the different thoughts, points of view, and political leanings. I have seen a few rude and callus remarks but for the most part the debate is open and lively at times.
I began my Hive Journey with 3054 Hive.
Today I have 8104.004 Hive.
Growth from the closing out and transferring of my Steem to Hive. and with voting and posting and commenting.
Today I hit the 20,000 comment mark goal that i set back in August with a hope of reaching it before the end of 2020, I missed the mark a little bit, but it is fitting that I make it today. As of writing this post Hivebuzz said I had 19,997 comments.
I hope everyone has a nice Spring day, as Hive seems almost ready to spring into the future.
Just so the post has a thumbnail picture, this was taken on Aug 6, 2019 by me in Alaska.
Source my Nikon Camera. yes the image has been used by me before.

Well my friend, that was an enjoyable read. Speaking of people all over the world, you are one of those for me my end. I sometimes jump on Hive just to see what you've posted even if I'm not logged in and just mucking around on my phone. You've always been one of those folks who loves to read, has a love of writing, and a great eye on the camera.
I have a great deal of trouble believing Hive will ever be a big hitter in the crypto sphere, however I do believe it holds a great wealth in people. I know the Hive folk will tout a million and one reasons to buy hive... but I'd rather spend elsewhere. Not saying it won't have its day, I'm just not a super optimistic holder of any crypto. I buy what will perform and sell when it does. Having said that, I do think Hive can draw people who want to create and who are unique in that regard. Same goes for consumers of content. I see more of a slow trickle of both sorts adding to the value of these parts of the block chain space. Add to that Hives community based resilience and it makes a fun space to spend ones spare time.
Great post bash. Always fun swinging by your blog... not matter what the hour is my end of the world. :)
`Thank you, I mostly just like having a place that is free of most of the other social media garbage. Plus I can earn a tiny bit with out having a bunch of rules that keep changing on how, when and who, one can earn. Hive may not make people super rich, but it does have a great group of people on it.
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Hey @mudcat36, here is a little bit of from @bashadow for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.a little bit better control as users who we select and makes it much more difficult for a new bankroll to come in and just steem roll over us
I don't see how this is true (sadly) ...not IF someone with a big enough wad wanted to do this..
people are not afraid to speak their mind from what I have seen so far. If the boat needs rocking, then someone is going to rock the boat
Again (unfortunately), I do not see this as being the case. I think many people do not express themselves for fear of retribution (down votes being the 'retribution' for posting things other people do not want to hear/see)...
Erm....maybe I need to stop being such a shrinking violet, and start speaking up more! ... lolo
With the upcoming vote decay for witnesses, I think that will help a lot on the take-over control, but it is something we simply wont know for sure until the process is in place and then someone tries to step in and control, it can happen pretty easy, because people like money and will take any bribe to give control to one person.
People seem to have to deal with less ridicule for their outlier beliefs on Hive than in other media. Flat Earth believers do not need to worry so much about troll activity, even bernie has stopped harassing them. Political points of view are very easy to see on Hive and no one side is really going after the other side so much. Vaxers and anti-vaxers are both expressing their opinions and not getting nor giving a lot of down votes to each other.
Not everyone wants to rock the boat, but will if the need is there, you are a pretty good example of that, how many different people/groups have tried to bash you into oblivion for your views, yet, still you are here letting them know and others that you can not be down voted into submission.
There are going to be cliques all across Hive, those that have had any amount of time will pretty much hang and see those that were around when they first started. Those that are new are going to find and see the most active people and have a tendency to follow them and to follow those that joined about the same time as they did. Advantage early adopters, but still leaves room for new people to grow and make a name for themselves.
There are so many people and post now that it is hard to keep up, I sometimes look at the all post page and see account reps from 25 to 80 and lots of 40-50 accounts, so a lot of new users, I myself just seem to keep with my initial group I found and the new ones I just add to various list to look at when i have a bit more time.
I was also thinking of posting a bee in my Hive Anniversary post, but my bee didn't look as nice into the camera as yours 😊
Most of your words could have been from me, I'm thinking mostly the same - great post, @bashadow, wish you a happy Hive Anniversary and a wonderful weekend 🌞
Cheers and !BEER
Thank you, it has been a pretty fun year on Hive for me.
Most welcome, let's make the second year even better 😊
Cheers and !BEER
@johannpiber denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!@johannpiber thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !
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Hey @bashadow, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
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Hey @johannpiber, here is a little bit of from @bashadow for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.Congratulations everyone we have had a really excellent year and I definitely can't wait to see what happens with this next year of growth.
Definitely loving how the price increase is on fire!
I bet your bee is happier than my bee.
It is nice to see a price growth.
!luv 1
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Hey @ganjafarmer, here is a little bit of from @bashadow for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.Happy Hive 1st anniversary @bashadow and a grand welcome to Spring. Thanks for sharing. That’s a great little bee you captured.
He was from 2019, August. One of the best close bee shots I have gotten I think. We still have mountains of snow and it snowed just a tiny bit yesterday morning. Spring will be here one day, soon I hope.
It’s been predicted a solid week on nice weather in the double digits Celsius ( in the 50s F). I’m looking forward to it. We still have snow but some melted quite a bit today.
tokens.A few more applications built on Hive that cater to the end user and can attract externals, things would look very different again.
I quite enjoy my time here though and interacting with people from all around the place. :)
It is pretty nice from Alaska, to Poland, to Estonia, Australia, Kenya, Niger, Argentina, and heck just about everywhere, almost every country in the world is covered it seems. I still can not tell the difference between Chinese, Japanese, or Korean written glyph, but if they have a picture that looks interesting on the thumbnail, I take a look, it doesn't mater what the language is a picture still helps me decide if I want to look and translate.
I think someone is working on an auto translate option, that will be very nice because then language will become a moot point other than the accuracy of the translation.
This would be good. I find it weird that people write to me in spanish sometimes. Why not translate it?
tokens.That's a neat point about the photography, I never thought much about how filtered reality is for travel photography, although it's obvious after you pointed it out.
Just one of the things I like about Hive Photography, a lot of photo's are edited, but mostly for color correction stuff, and composition. I don't see people editing out the debris like dead coffee cups candy wrappers and other general trash, most may be removed in the cropped photo, but if the crop is going to ruin the shot it stays in.
Busy photo's are great to look at, in a magazine the beach is empty, in real life a lot of people.
@johannpiber denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!@johannpiber thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !
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Hey @bashadow, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your