Looking Back And Forward || #5yearsPhotochallenge || English | Spanish

in GEMS5 years ago (edited)

Hi everyone, I have been thinking for a while to do something refreshing that would bring more people to be a part of. Which brings me to what I call the #5yearsphotochallenge, it could either be a selfie or a full photo the choice is yours.

Hola a todos. Últimamente he estado pensando en hacer algo fresco y refrescante que anime a la gente a unirse. Esto me ha llevado hasta lo que yo llamo #5yearphotochallenge que podría ser un "selfie" o una foto de "cuerpo entero", la decisión es tuya.

  • Rules/ Rewards


  • It must be a photo of you before and after..at least 5years but then I wouldn't know, just be honest with yourself.

Debe ser una foto de tí de hace al menos 5 años y de ahora, 5 años después. Sé honesto/a contigo mismo/a.

  • Use the #5yearsphotochallenge as one of your first 3 tags and post in any community of your choice. But I'd suggest you post selfie photos in the face of hive community.

Usa la etiqueta #5yearsphotochallenge entre las 3 primeras de tu post y publícalo en cualquier comunidad de tu elección. Te recomendaría la comunidad de Hive.

  • The first 5 persons to participate would get 1 Hive5 Hive. each and thanks to my friend @mistakili the person with the best challenge post will get

Las primeras 5 personas en participar recibirán 1 Hive cada una. Gracias a mi amigo @mistakii la persona elegida con el mejor post del reto ganará 5 Hive.

  • Tag 3 persons you wish to see a photo of them from at least 5years NOT mandatory just for the fun of it.

Etiqueta a 3 personas que quieras que pongan sus fotos de hace 5 años. No es obligatorio, sólo es por la diversión.

  • Deadline is on 30th of this month.

La fecha límite para publicar tu post es el 30 del presente mes de Junio.

Time flies by so fast,
Sometimes I feel we are too busy,
Busy to pause and take a look at ourselves,
A look at how far we have come,
What we have been through,
Obstacles we have broken through,
Mistakes we have made,
And those little moments of sadness and happiness....

5years image.png
Now image.png

I hear people say,
"Oh! Look at how big you have grown",
But I look at myself in the mirror and I still look the same,
Nothing seems to have changed in my looks,
Well, except the obvious ones but I have not really had that drastic change,
Not until I see a photo of me from years back,
Then I know I have changed,
If not so much...one thing is sure,
I am not who I used to be years back...

🤪 image.png

I am better today than yesterday,
I have made mistakes and learnt from them,
I have turned my weakness into strength,
I have cried and laughed all these years...
I may not be perfect yet BUT,
I am better and a work in progress.

This is actually more than 5 years. 🙈 image.png


Now I am tagging @drakernoise 🤪, @wwwiebe 😁, @enginewitty 😉, @saffisara 🤗, @priyanarc 💕, @mistakili 🤣, @brittandjosie ❤, @C0ff33a 🤐, @wesphilbin 😃 and @avellana to please join me in the fun.

Everyone is welcome ofcourse, looking forward to your entries, let's have fun looking back and forward..


Stay Safe And Remain Positive. 💕💕

Thanks to @derangedvisions for the amazing banner


Ohh you tagged me... are you pretending me to share the now and then shots? lol noooo.... well maybe I should :

Amazing... doesn’t it? I’m getting better as time goes on 🤣🤣🤣😝

No you didn't!! Not acceptable lol.

😂😂😂 Me parece que ya ganaste!!!!

Ja, ja un tramposito pero ya con esa nos ganó a todos mira como mejoro bastante. @drakernoise

Wao, me enamoré, pero no sé de cual jajajaja, que loquito, un besote!... Me gusta el original, no el Tom, digo, el clon.. @drakernoise.

Hahaha 🤗😘

Wow... You look beautiful my friend and you bloom by the years and get more and more beautiful 😍 and I Loove this contest and Will definitly join in. Awsome challange 🥰😘

Lol...tell me about. 🤪 But I am looking forward or your photos saffi sweets. 🤗 Thanks hugga boo. 😘💕

Refreshing to do a new contest and I will definitely try to enter soon

Thank you mama! I am looking forward to it. 💕

Look at you!! Another challenge!! Thank you for tagging me... I don't know if I will be able to participate, but you know I send you positive energy and wish you luck!

@tipu curate


Hahaha...yes, it is another challenge lol. 🤣 You already did...remember lol. Thank you for supporting the challenge and also for your positive vibes. 🤗❤

You look aweaome and great now. That's what time can do.👍😆

5 years old pic!!!! I am not going to post my old pics, they are horrible :D people will laugh :/ ... You look so stylish now :D

That's the fun of it. To be grateful of change.

It will be fun, I will love to see yours 🤗

OKI I will make a post soon :D

Exactly! 🤗


Thank God for change! See how good looking you are now.

It's a nice challenge, I think should try it out.

You should definitely try. I am looking forward to your entry and you can also tag your friends to participate. 😁

Sure I would 🤗🤗

I'm going to need to search. I'm not too sure how many pictures of me are in existence; I'm usually the one taking the photos!

I am sure there is one hiding away somewhere...😜 I am happy in advance lol. 😁

Will accept your challenge, but give me a few days to get it situated 🤗 Google is good about indexing dates😎😎

that shot in the purple dress? hella hot 😘

Haha okay, I am glad you accepted the challenge. 💕 Oh and thank you for the compliment. 🙈💕🤗

Here ya go, I did this post for you, enjoy the pix 🤗

Haha....thank you! 💕🤗

Finally I am getting around to this one, but my goodness how do you keep your teenage good looks? Obviously I’m missing out an some secrets you and @saffisara have to look so youthful and full of life. All people every day to me is alright stumpy grey haired hobbit, where is Gollum?

So tonight’s challenge is stay awake long enough to look up a few old photos of me, I have plenty to go out lol

Hahaha...@saffisara should have the answer to that 😛... maybe lots of hugs! 🤗 And you sure don't look "grey haired hobbit" lol. I am looking forward to seeing your entry though 👀.

Hello friend, heres my entry

Hope you get to like it

IMG_20200625_014914.jpg https://hive.blog/hive-152232/@geyzee/5-year-photo-challenge. Please I couldn't use the #5yearphotochallenge as a first tag due to the fact that I was instructed it must start with a letter so I had to use #fiveyearsphotochallenge instead. All other rules has been duly followed. Thanks ❤ 😊

I was thinking to participate...
But 5 years ago (or more) I look so different it's scary and pretty much unbelievable,
Meaning I am used to look, not so good, at all!
But I wish everyone else a lot of fun with it, and wanted to say,

Hahaha! I bet you looked good but it's okay. Thanks for dropping by! 🤗

Thank You And....
No I Didn't!
I look at the pics myself
And go "Wow"!
I was a wreck and didn't
Know it!
You have A Great Evening!

You look amazingly beautiful, u didn't change much as time passed by! I guess we are in same category. Would have love too participate but am still trying to find my feet here on hive.

Thank you for the compliment...you are welcome aboard.

Me encantó la propuesta del reto @bliss11

Igual me paso no me dejo colocar la etiqueta #5yearphotochallenge con el número, muchos la cambiaron a #fiveyearsphotochallenge allí encontraras gran cantidad de participantes.

Please I couldn't use the #5yearphotochallenge as a first tag due to the fact that I was instructed it must start with a letter so I had to use #fiveyearsphotochallenge instead.


Although I am not a lover of taking photos, I am going to see if I can find any from 5 years ago and I will try to enter and I will also try not to scare you. Please don't panic! Ha ha ha ! May it all be for fun !! Good suggestion.

But ..you look younger and hotter now ! 🧐

Hahaha...thank you! 🤗

Hello hello, over here I place my participation in this nice initiative of @bliss11. Thank you, dear, for these spaces. A hug for you.

Looking Back And Forward || #5yearsPhotochallenge || Looking back at my past with joy (English)..
