Observations In Fashion Trends: Colored Hair | Tattoos | Distressed Jeans

in #dpoll5 years ago

Observations In Fashion Trends: Colored Hair | Tattoos | Distressed Jeans

I've been observing an uptick in what I'll call "fashion trends"—for lack of a better term—in the area where I live. I'm wondering if this is universal, or just somewhat of a localized phenomenon.

When I say uptick, it's not like these trends haven't been around. Like a lot of things, what is old is new, and looks or ways of doing things tend to come back around. In bringing this up, I'm merely noticing more of it, and I'm wondering why, and if it means anything.

Colored Hair

Colored hair has been around for quite sometime. Women in particular have been dying their hair all kinds of different colors. Generally, though, these are colors that hair can naturally be, or augmented in some way. What I'm talking about are colors that, as far as I know, hair doesn't naturally come in, such as blue, pink and green.


Most of the time, all the hair is this new color. However, I've also seen where the hair is only colored on the ends. In some cases, it could be that the person just let the hair grow out without continuing to dye it. I am aware of situations, though, where just the bottom two inches were dyed, leaving the rest to its natural color.

Why are people doing this, especially girls? My guess is, they think it's fun, or they're bored with natural colors. But I also wonder how many times they're trying to standout—not necessarily attract attention to themselves, but more as a way to say, "Hey! I exist."

Of the observations I'm making here, I find it the most innocuous and more or less playful. I know there are some celebrities out there, particularly singers, who like to wear colorful wigs or dye their hair, so there could be some style setting taking place. I'm also aware that things like this have been going on for a long time in places like Japan, which is known for far more outlandish styles than colored hair.


Again, tattoos are nothing new. I'm just saying I'm seeing an uptick in it, and it's not all "counter-culture" driven, as it may have been in the past. Like many other things, I believe getting a tattoo has become more mainstream, and women seem to be catching up to men in that regard, or perhaps getting a little more bold with size and placement.

Just today, I was at a drive-thru and the young woman who helped me had some phrase tattoed on her forearm. I don't have any idea how old she was, but my guess is, she was in her late teens to early twenties.

Is getting a tattoo, especially among women, a thing? I mean, a bigger thing than it use to be. Is there a reason for it? Is it done on a dare? Is it peer pressure? Is it there to remind them of something? Unlike the colored hair, I can't say it's always to standout, since some can remain hidden pretty well. Of course, they can get pretty colorful and be very much like, "Look at me." Or if not that, "This is an expression of how I feel" or"This is who I am."


Since I've never had a tattoo or dyed my hair, I'm only guessing at reasons. I'm purposely staying away from negative connotations, because I think just like other things, these kinds of styles are simply becoming more acceptable and for whatever reasons, desirable. I'm wondering what might be driving it.

In the case of tattoos, I know it's virtually impossible to watch any athletic event, especially basketball, without at least one of the players sporting some kind of tattoo. In many cases, they have more than one.

Now, I realize there are some cultures where tattoos are traditional, an expression of lineage, etc. Where I live, such would not be the dominant reason for getting tattoos.

Ripped Jeans

While I can't say I'm a fan of any of these styles, the one I'm finding the hardest to comprehend are the ripped jeans. Again, I know this isn't anything new. However, it used to be people would wear out their jeans first, and just keep wearing them because they're super comfortable.

However, for years now, this "distressed" look is how jeans can be bought, and often at a premium above a pair of whole jeans.

I don't get it.

Especially when the jeans look like this. I actually saw a young woman wearing jeans similar to this as I was coming out of the mall. It's hard not to stare. I managed to pull my eyes away, mainly because I was kind of embarrassed because the holes actually went up a little farther than depicted in this picture.

At this point, I'm thinking, these really should be some kind of jean shorts. It can't possible be keeping the legs warm, and in some cases, I think it could actually impede walking.

Is there a point here, or is this just another fun thing to do? Of all of the calling attention to oneself, this is the one I understand the least. To me it's saying, "I paid way too much for a pair of ratty jeans!" but I'm sure that isn't what the mainly young women are hoping to portray. I just don't know what it is.

Assigning Stigmas

As I mentioned earlier, my purpose really isn't to say any of this is good or bad, though I know just by bringing it up, asking questions and offering my personal opinions, it's going to look like I am. I'm not sure what to say about that other than to say, while I wouldn't do it, I might do other things that people find equally disturbing or strange. I more or less adhere to live and let live, as long as I'm allowed to do the same, and neither of us are infringing on the ability of others to follow suit or somehow hurting their well-being.

My concern in any of this, regardless of sex, age or culture, that these things are not actually outward expressions of what people might find lacking in themselves. Not exciting enough, not pretty enough, not a certain body type or personality. As I said above, I think some of this is done because it's perceived as fun, and in the case of youth, well, we've all done things when we were young that we wouldn't do as adults.

As far as dying hair goes, that's not so permanent. Neither are wearing jeans that are predominantly open air. Tattoos, well, that's another thing. Some might age well. Many do not. And they're painful to get and even more painful to remove, if such a thing is possible. So, you're in it for the long haul, and I'm wondering just how much people realize what and for how long they're committing to with the tattoo.

Okay. Your turn. Have you noticed an uptick in any of these things, particularly among young women? Has this been going on for a while now, and my area is just finally catching up, or is it yet to reach where you live? Is there something else that's been becoming more commonplace?

Have at it. I'm interested in seeing what you've noticed, and in particular, if you have dyed your hair, gotten tattoos or bought and worn 'distressed' jeans straight from the factory, I'd love to know why you did it, for how long, and if you're no longer doing it, why not.

All images source—Pexels

  • I think the styles listed above are actually decreasing where I live.

  • I think the styles listed above are are on the increase.

  • We've got different styles (Please share).

  • Those styles are about the same where I am.

  • I don't think colored hair, tattoos or distressed jeans mean anything. They're just supposed to be fun.

  • I think people are saying, "Look at me!"

  • I think people see others doing it, like their friends, so they do it, too.

  • I don't see anything wrong with any of it.

  • I don't see anything wrong, but I'm not inclined to do it myself.

  • I can't stop anyone, but I wish they wouldn't do it, especially (fill in the blank).

  • I think people are trying to change how they and others perceive them.

  • I've never colored my hair, had a tattoo, or worn distressed jeans.

  • I had colored hair for while.

  • I have colored hair now.

  • I have a tattoo (or tattoos) and (please say if you're still okay with it or not).

  • I had a tattoo, but I got it removed.

  • I wear distressed jeans.

  • I used to wear distressed jeans. I don't now.

  • Other (please elucidate)

Answer the question at dpoll.xyz.


Voted for

  • I think the styles listed above are are on the increase.
  • I think people are saying, "Look at me!"
  • I don't see anything wrong, but I'm not inclined to do it myself.

Hey, @abbak7.

Okay, so it's not just me then. :) Part of my situation is, I'm out more than I have been for some time, so I could have been behind the curve in observing everything.

Voted for

  • Those styles are about the same where I am.

Hey, @thejbullfrog.

No change, eh? Okay. Good to know. We have a way of being behind the curve here, so we could be just catching up. :)

Voted for

  • I don't see anything wrong with any of it.
  • I wear distressed jeans.

Hey, @maxer27.

Do you really? Did you distress them yourself, or did you buy them that way? :)

I got them by inheritance or just as a gift. I don 't want to spend money on new things.😅

Posted using Partiko Android

Voted for

  • I think people are saying, "Look at me!"

Hey, @jeffjagoe.

Yeah. If they don't want attention, it's kind of doing the opposite. :) I wonder if that's because there's so much going on people need to do more to standout, or if it's just a "look, I'm having some fun" kind of attention. Something healthy versus feeling lost in the crowd and wanting to do something about it. Of course, enough people start doing it, the chance of being lost in the crowd still occurs.

By the personality traits that usually accompany such styles, I’m gonna go with the “feeling lost in the crowd” explanation hahaha

Posted using Partiko iOS

Voted for

  • I think the styles listed above are are on the increase.
  • I don't think colored hair, tattoos or distressed jeans mean anything. They're just supposed to be fun.
  • I think people are saying, "Look at me!"
  • I think people see others doing it, like their friends, so they do it, too.
  • I don't see anything wrong with any of it.
  • I think people are trying to change how they and others perceive them.
  • I wear distressed jeans.

Hey, @russia-btc.

So, any idea as to why they are on the increase? Why would they feel the need to change perceptions? You're the second person who wears the distressed jeans so far. Self-distressed, or did you buy them that way? :)

Voted for

  • I think the styles listed above are are on the increase.
  • I think people are saying, "Look at me!"
  • I can't stop anyone, but I wish they wouldn't do it, especially (fill in the blank).

Hey, @akdx.

So, what would you have them stop. All of the above?

I'm glad others are noticing an increase, because as I've been saying, our area can be behind the curve when it comes to a lot of social and economic trends. So, maybe we're in the middle of it this time.

I think I cannot stop anybody. Everyone is free to do whatever he/she likes. However, too much of everything is bad.

Voted for

  • I don't see anything wrong with any of it.

Hey, @gamemods.

Fair enough. To each their own.

Voted for

  • I don't think colored hair, tattoos or distressed jeans mean anything. They're just supposed to be fun.
  • I think people are saying, "Look at me!"
  • I think people see others doing it, like their friends, so they do it, too.
  • I think people are trying to change how they and others perceive them.
  • I've never colored my hair, had a tattoo, or worn distressed jeans.

Hey, @suntree.

Thank you for the responses. You're another one to say that people are trying to change perceptions of themselves. Why would you say people would want to do that?

Maybe they want to break out of this rigid and sober world, where for hours sitting and listening in school and one direction is all about education and making money. You can already get inferiority complex if you are not perceived as a person and if you can not open. Maybe these women feel cool and that's a great feeling too. In a world where people pass thoughtlessly, they experience their bodies intensively and feel completely comfortable in their own skin and do not feel ignored. They may do it so that they are more self-confident. Maybe they were often not respected and not perceived as beauty. They may also want them to be viewed and found beautiful. Maybe they want to be in their own dream world. Or maybe they do not want to be alone and maybe finding a boyfriend, girlfriend or group is so much easier. Or maybe they want to demarcate themselves. Or maybe they want to feel like a model

Voted for

  • Those styles are about the same where I am.
  • I think people are saying, "Look at me!"
  • I don't see anything wrong, but I'm not inclined to do it myself.

Hey, @bxlphabet.

Okay, so you somewhere that is perhaps ahead of the fashion curve. I know we're slow to get there, so I kind of expected that more than what I've seen so far.

Why do you think people want to be seen? All for fun, or is there perhaps more to it?

Hmm... Some people do want to stand out. I think others just want to try to be different just to be different. The self-mutilation is another thing. Especially when visible and permanent. Trust, me @glenalbrethsen, I am behind all fashion curves, lol.

Voted for

  • I think people are saying, "Look at me!"
  • I think people see others doing it, like their friends, so they do it, too.

Hey, @hatoto.

It seems to me that there is some kind of following or joining the crowd kind of thing going on. I haven't quite seen it yet where there's more than one person at a time in a group yet, but for every four or five couples or groups, there seems to be one or so people with the colored hair. I mainly see the tattoos on peoples' arms in the drive-thru. :)

Voted for

  • I've never colored my hair, had a tattoo, or worn distressed jeans.

Hey, @fredkese.

Yeah, me neither. My receding hairline has long since receded, so I'd look more like a clown if I colored my hair now. Tattoos never have appealed—I've never had anything I really want on me or around me for the rest of my life. And distressed jeans, well, I'm still trying to figure out the allure there. :)

I might trying coloring my hair or wearing the jeans, but tattoos are out

Voted for

  • I think the styles listed above are are on the increase.
  • I don't see anything wrong, but I'm not inclined to do it myself.
  • I think people are trying to change how they and others perceive them.

You can keep the !BEER and I my pink hair. Ok?

Hey, bluerobo.

Well, okay then. But now I'm wondering which it is—not inclined to any of the styles, or you have pink hair? :) Besides, I always envisioned you partial to blue. :)

Don't infringe on my desire to express myself! ;)

Posted using Partiko Android

Howdy sir Glen! I don't get out much so I don't know if these trends are increasing or not. lol. But when we first came to Texas one of the first things we noticed was that no one had any tattoos and piercings in their face and ears.

I'm sure it's prevalent in the cities though. Are their Bible scriptures that forbid getting tattoos specifically?

We do see the wild hair colors here but I haven't seen any jeans like that. I don't get the jeans at all either.

Hey, @janton.

I don't know if there are any or not. The one I'm thinking of has to do with us being temples for the Lord's spirit, as Paul directs. Mainly, it would depend on the reason behind it. What's the purpose or point of it? It's a rather permanent thing to do, unlike pink hair or distressed jeans. :)

Yeah I don't have any, Mrs. J. doesn't have any and neither of us have ever thought about it so I guess we don't have the need to express ourselves in that way which I think most people that have them want to send a message or give an impression.

They say they look terrible when you get old. lol.