Through the clouds

in Wednesday Walk8 months ago (edited)


Is it possible to type a text with one hand? Only with the left hand?

I will know the answer at the end of this post.

What I know for sure is that I almost screwed up one thing today.

I didn't hear the alarm clock...

Not a big deal if you don't have some important tasks to do, like picking up your friend's daughter and taking her to school. Then you are shocked for a few moments after realizing that it is not 6:50 but 8:11 when you open your eyes!!

{Fortunately, some inexplicable forces solved everything, and I wasn't even needed for today's transportation of his daughter}.

Still, that little morning stress (better effects than having a cup of strong coffee) had to be balanced with some blue views.


The sky was colonized with clouds. It is not necessarily a bad thing, as then we can enjoy different shapes moving on the blue background. Neither it is necessarily a good thing, as then the sun stays hidden and everything seems a bit darker.


There were two ladies who didn't care about that. After their walk (or search for some treasure?) they took a rest in the hammocks, as I assure you that sunbathing was not a thing to do with a sky covered with clouds. Those are the same ladies we see walking in the second photo.


I was also walking there with Prince Hefromund. Do you see him? No, of course that you don't as he was shy today to come out from my pocket and jump on the top of these pebbles. He preferred staying protected from the wind and this odd day.


I moved on, toward the playground and these circles connected with ropes. Do they lead down or up, depends on the direction you take. Anyway, I can't play here, obviously, as it is designed for children aged 3 to 5 years.

Just a few steps and we can find ourselves on this platform over the beach. There is a wooden beach library in the left corner of it where you read the newspapers and books (when it is open). Even if it is closed (as was the case today) you can still pick from some books that are left on the outside shelf. Just two of them were waiting for possible readers.


But I moved on again, no reading, no resting on the blue bench. At the end of the promenade (actually at the beginning of it but I was walking in the opposite direction), the bronze anchor called for a photo from this angle.


It does it to many people - tourists and also those who are already settled here. Its position was probably well planned as you see that the palm trees are planted behind the monument, which is definitely attractive. And the sun in these moments finally made its way through the clouds for this photo.


Is it possible to type a text with one hand? Only with the left hand?

Time to answer my question.

No, it is not possible. I tried but it takes much more time and it is a very strange feeling. It is like trying to follow a straight line when you are drunk 😂

And the tricky part is the mouse, to handle a right-handed mouse with the left hand.

Failed attempts with one-handed typing... But maybe with such a typewriter, it would be possible so I can rest my right arm and hand. You can see why!





Wowww that picture of the monument with the palm trees, the clouds and the sun eclipsed my eyes, how beautiful!

I love cloudy skies, well formed clouds, real, as if they were cotton flakes.

I'm right-handed .... definitely can't write with one hand, I tried to write this commentary hahaha🤣

It is a beautiful day today, although it started with a moment of stress haha 😬

I am right handed too, I could type on the phone with just one hand (right of course hahaha) but on the keyboard it is kind of impossible. (but I should rest my right arm for some days as it is having some troubles 🤐)

I understand it happened to me when I was painting pictures and often now at the computer as well, especially the cervical vertebrae sometimes bother me. You have to let the arm rest a bit and the hand is very delicate, especially the carpal tunnel.

I'm sure the day will end beautifully! Hugs!

I was worried that you got injured! Glad that everything is ok and it was just an experiment :) You live in a beautiful place btw. I haven´t lived in continental Spain, just a few months on Tenerife but I miss those days...

@tipu curate 2

Well, half experiment. I am not injured visibly but my right arm is hurting for the last few days (the tendons around my elbow and around my wrist), and then on Monday I killed it completely with a rehearsal we had 🤦🏻‍♀️

You lived for a few months on Tenerife? That's cool 🤩

Thank you @phortun 🤗 🍀

I see. Maybe you mentioned this in one of the posts that I´m yet to read, I´m sorry :/ Well, oddly enough, I currently suffer from the exactly same symptoms (elbow tendons and wrist on my right hand) but the cause is different. I got this from my dumbbell workout :D :/ Weight lifting helped me heal my tennis elbows that I suffered from since I was a little kid and I´m really happy about it but here and there, it causes some other minor issues :D Anyway, I hope your right hand will be ok soon!

Oh no, you have the same issues?

Sorry to hear that!

So, look, here is the plan!!!
We go on a collective mandatory rest from typing, using the mouse, piano playing and lifting weights!!!

At least until your baby arrives and until I have my next rehearsal... which is tomorrow hahahah 😂😂😂

That´s a nice plan but I´m actually just about to leave for my today´s workout session haha :D But what I can do is avoid the dumbbells this time and go for other machines :) Good luck with your rehearsal tomorrow!

Hahaha, so this plan also failed 😂

Thanks, and good day to you and thank you for being around. 💬🏋️

Take care of your right arm though 😉

Both of you need to stop laughing and start taking this seriously. Invest in short functional exercises to warm up the joints (plenty of material on the Internet), and for the extra support, buy braces for respective joints. The small change will go a long way.

I do it for my knee.

ha ha ha ha very clever very very clever. genius in fact!!!! Great shots too.

Hahaha, it was the time to discover it lol 😂😂😂


Thanks, the day was beautiful yesterday, with those clouds! 🌞

clouds are lovable

Is it possible to type a text with one hand? Only with the left hand?

No, it is not possible.

Wrong! It is! I do it ALL THE TIME. :) But you don't have the training... I've been doing it all my life, lol.

But I see what prompted your experiment. Here's another one. Harder. To type on such a typewriter with your right hand, lol.


Ok, let me slightly modify my statement:

No, it is not possible FOR ME


As it is true, I don't have the training, but right now this comment is typed with my left hand :P

Typing on that typewriter would a real challenge, with any hand hahaha

That's a start. Congrats on your first left-hand-only comment! 😁

Thanks, and I did several of the comments in this way, left-handed way 😉🍂

I loved the landscapes, your photos. The prince likes the smell and the warmth of your bag. And what the anchor points to is your left hand made cloud.


That cloud, which the anchor points to, you mean the cloud that looks like a person with one arm?


Hope you are getting better, or is it still all heavy?

Jajaja... 😂

Tiene las dos manos, fíjate bien. Se parece a esto:

🤷🏻 Las dos manitos extendidas hacia adelante. 📸

He salido a mirar la nube que me dices pero ya no está. Qué le habrá pasado? 😂 Paerece que ya se ha movido lol

Lalalala 🎶🎶🎵🎶 😂

Hahaha maybe that typewriter does work with only your left hand.
It doesn’t work operating a keyboard and mouse 🤓 I know.
Hope your right arm is ok? Take care of it 🤗

The cloudy sky is beautiful. Rare moments 😉
The anchor is indeed a nice place to take some great captures.
Thanks for sharing. Have a lovely day!

Yeah, that typewriter I should take home hahah
But it can't be removed from that spot

The clouds are rare moments, indeed.
Take care you too, and I hope you also will have a great day 😇

Nope sadly you can’t take that one home hahaha

Those days are beautiful.
Thank you so much. Happy Thursday 😊my day was good, thank you.

It is possible to type using one hand.. I tried it.. However, as you said, it takes time..
You can use your left hand as long as the phone is on the table 😅

Hahaha, I could try that - if using the phone and on the table... but imagine the time it would take to respond to the comments 😁

Luckily I am ambidextrous so can use either hand for typing or even the mouse, when I smashed my hand up a while back I did find it slower typing one handed but not to bad for me

I love the clouds I always watch them as they change and see what shapes I see, plus maybe because i am not a sun bather have had to much skin cancer removed I now avoid the sun

Thanks for joining the Wednesday Walk :)

That's really cool when you are ambidextrous. Oh, you smashed your hand in the past? what happened?
Also sorry to hear you had to go through skin cancer :(

Look, this comment will be just left-handed. It works at the moment, but let's not count the typos later :D

yeah it comes in handy most things I can do just as well or just as badly with either hand

Hmm how did i smash my hand, first time in a rugby game I got stomped and broke all my fingers
Second time other hand broken fingers and such from a motocross accident, third time army accident a heavy package slipped and crashed on my arm and hand

OK thats enough amazing my hands still work LOL

Growing up in NZ with the weak ozone layer skin cancer is something many from there deal with, I have had 24 removed, but touch wood no new ones for two years now

Omg, your hand is a real survivor! But wow, how good you could recover every time, from everything. I can't even imagine all the pain, struggles and time it took to heal.


Trust me now that I older on cold days I feel all the injuries to my hands knees shoulder etc etc, but I keep plodding along

I hope you are ok and yes writing a post with your left hand is quite difficult (you got it perfect anyway), we are taught to use both hands.
Your photos are amazing especially being by the sea.

Thanks 😇
The sea gives life and the blue colours that I like! And fortunately, I am a lot better with my arm 😀

Glad to hear you are well, and yes the sea is amazing.

Great views, I especially loved the look of the pebbles. thanks

Thank you :)

So many pebbles on our beach, they are cute but one has to get used to walk on them hahaha

How beautiful the sky was that day! The clouds are always beautiful, even if they are rain clouds and this is a cloudy day, I love the clouds in the sky, here sometimes there are few, I look at the sky and it is very blue but almost cloudless. The clouds give it a nice contrast, so I really like the ones in your photos.

I like the blue sky but with clouds, it is nicer :) Yes, they make a contrast that pleases our eyes :))

Lol, anyway you wrote the post perfectly!! But I guess it must be strange!

I love the sky and I agree, cloudy is not necessary bad, to be honest I love those clouds because as you mentioned, you can see and look for different shapes in the sky!

Thanks a lot for sharing!!

I had to "cheat" and use the right hand too when I realized I would never finish the post hahahah

now, the comments, I write with the left :D

Hahahah, well it’s ok! Only left for the entire post could had finished in a painful result for your hand!

What a horror when something like this happens, it has happened to me more than once, and the way I felt is inexplicable. How lucky that everything turned out well and just a little bit of stress.
What a beautiful place for a walk, or as you say, searching for treasure on the beach.
Beautiful photographs, who wouldn't want to walk there, I appreciate you sharing this experience. have a great afternoon

It is like in the movie Home Alone, waking up late hahaha

While I was still sleeping my friend called me today that I don't have to come but obviously, I didn't hear it either hahaha

I felt so relieved when we spoke and he said to me that everything was fine.

I am lucky to live in this beautiful place :))

Thank you, have a nice day you too!!

Here we said: las mentes brillantes piensan igual 🤣🤣🤣😅😅😅 (check the name of my last post 🤣🤣🤣)
I love the place and the picture you have taken there , really beautiful 😸

Whaaaat? You have had a post with the same title? And even more of that whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat, I didn't see it? Lo siento, ahora mismo voy a verlo

But yes, could be that it is the thing of mentes brillantes hahahaha

It can be also telepathy! 😂😂😂

Ha, I almost imagined your face when you've seen what the clock is, lol! Happily, I've never experienced this panic because I always have more alarms set just to make sure I don't fail waking up on time, but it sounds so full of adrenaline that makes me want to try it one day hahaha

Hahaha, yeah. It is that I promised to take that girl to school and I didn't hear the alarm clock. pfffffffff But what the "universe" did is that my friend decided earlier not to go on the trip, he called me even to say that I don't have to come, but I didn't hear the phone call either hahahaha. My husband says that maybe we spoke, but I don't remember lol (no, it was not the case, we didn't speak)

Full adrenaline shot - try it out indeed lol

And that is the morning walk at home... god i envy you sometimes hahaha.

My suggestion.. dont go to Holland this week haha. But uhhh i get it.. textiel with left hand is no option here as well.. as we as laying sideways i bed and texting. It feels like the brain has lateral Error or something

Ok, I will not come to Holland this week. Maybe if Nils Frahm has a concert and I have the tickets in the first row {or sharing the scene lol}, then I would come. Immediately :D

It feels like the brain has lateral Error or something


The scenery is spectacular. Love the blue sky filled with white fluffy clouds. The beach wraps it all together so well.

Right handed, tried typing left hand for a few seconds. Nope not giving myself a headache 😂 That's a sure shoe for a left handed type writer, haha.

I also love the fluffy clouds on the sky. Spectacular show they make 😇

Hahaha, yeah, not an easy challenge to type on the keyboard with one hand, as we are so used to type with two. But with practice, everything is possible, I guess 😉

I could do all day with my other just not my left. Yes with practice, if I had to I would practice but since I don't have to, nah!! 😂

Amiga, one of my great passions in life is the sky, its colours, its shapes, its depth, and clouds play a very important role in all of this. I think this post surpasses the one about cats the other day hehehehe. It makes me happy to discover that it also means something to you, and that day was certainly beautiful... The last picture impressed me a lot as well 😅

It's important that I improve my posts 😇 Cats or clouds, or else, we have to give our best effort 😊

i found your question about one-handed typing to be interesting. I had never really thought about it before, but it's true that it would be very difficult to type with one hand, especially if you're used to using both hands. I tried it myself, and I now i know it is hard!!

I think now we all at least tried to do it 😆 to type with one hand 💬😂

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Love the calming photos of the beach! Definitely, I would love to stay for a while at one of those benches..hence walking around would be great too!

You are right, both are good, resting and observing the clouds and walking there ☀️

Staring at a sky full of clouds will always be a wholesome activity. The position of that monument and trees are perfect, the cloud did its own thing there too, like it was planned.

I always try to type with my left hand but it takes too much time, not worth it. That typewriter though😁 Thanks for filling my feed with such beautiful photos...

Haha, I should use that typewriter these days, so no temptation to use my right hand for typing hahaha.

The photos of the are very cool to the eyes.
It has been long since I went to the beach
I will try to go one of these days
I've missed it

The white clouds in the sky and the surrounding nature are truly incomparable. You have done a lot of beautiful photography.

So nice contrast they give, right? White clouds on blue sky!

A very nice cloud-looking.

I enjoyed too in this could-looking activity :D

Thank you for you're time reading and your support🙋🙋

Awesome and vibrant shots! Brought a great bit of much needed sunshine and color here in Trinidad on a rainy day!

It is raining in Trinidad? Then I send some more sun 🌞

Saludos @mipiano. Me encantaron la fotografías, las palmeras le dan un elegancia y el espectáculo de nubes ni hablar, por cierto tengo mucho tiempo que no voy a la playa y la imagen de la maquina de escribir si que es un lujo, buenísima.

Muchas gracias. Sí son elegantes las palmeras y las nubes me encantan cada vez las veo así :))

I wish that I could be 3 to 5 years old to again play with those circles. Sea beach is calling me but I am far far away from beach. I don't know when I will get chance to see sea beach.

Haha, good times when we were children... Well, I could try to play on a playground, but I would not fit inside the playground 😁

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It's so beautiful, I want to go there!

What a beautiful walk, I loved everything, the clouds were amazing, you really got a great angle for the anchor picture and the stones on the sand, I would love to see a beach like that sometime in my life, where is it? The writing machine at the end made me remember when I was a child and used to play with this type of machine at my mom's work. I loved walking this walk with you, thank you for sharing.

It is in Spain, on the Mediterranean coast. There are also sand beaches pero también calas de roca, estos me gustan lo más. ;)

Muchas gracias 🤗🤗🤗

I use the mobile with one hand and write messages and comments with the right hand. All these natural views are very beautiful. Seeing such places gives one a lot of happiness and peace.

Cloudy skies are never good--would you like to put that beautiful yellow, warm, sometimes blinding sunshine?
Clouds can't compete.
Scrolling through the pictures (I really like the geometry of the pebbles) when I got to the anchor I had to look at it carefully: from that angle it looked like two dolphins! (I'm not drunk!)

Two dolphins??? Hahah, I believe you that you are not drunk, though I have to go back and see that anchor photo again to see the dolphins 🐬🐬 ;))

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