#Marketfriday Christmas shopping trip

in #marketfriday7 years ago

Today is #marketfriday initiated by @dswigle
We took a wander around our local mega super duper store and saw toys and Christmas stuff by the pallet load.
Thomas the tank engine had a big smile. :)

Pallet loads of fun.

Time to get your Nerf on! Whatever that is?

Christmas trees, which do you prefer real or artificial?

Nice to see records back on the shelves. Classic album from Nirvana.


You can tell it's Christmas when you see stacks of these red poinsettias.


When I was a kid in the last century. We would get an Orange in a sock for Christmas. :(


It's amazing to see row after row of toys and a million other things to spend your hard earned money on.


Don't forget the Christmas crockery.


What all this has to do with a kid being born in a stable 2,000 years ago is a mystery to me?

Don't forget the nuts. :)


Have a great weekend and a peaceful time on your next shopping trip.


Great trip through the market - and down memory lane!

We got an orange, some nuts, a little game (plastic with tiny ball-bearings or a slider puzzle thing) and we were delighted!

We always made sure our kids appreciated their gifts too... unwrapped them one at a time so we could see their faces and then we watched as they played with the box the gifts came in :D

PS @molometer - I need to ask... are you deliberately not upvoting your own post? If not... there's a little box to check when you post your next one :) Do it :)

Ha ha yes exactly. Those teeny little plastic puzzles with the ball bearings in pmsl. We had hours of fun with those, trying to get all the balls into the right socket. Amazing really.
We did the same with our kids. I've got video of them playing for hours with the cardboard boxes the toys came in. The toys...ignored lol

We had so little and yet it meant so much.

PS I usually let other people vote for the first hour or so. So they can make some curation rewards.
I may be doing it all wrong of course? :)

I see that market and it reminds me of how it was here 20 years ago, I loved the image of the baby with the dolar. very good post friend of mine.

The baby is from a famous record by Nirvana. You may not have heard of it? tip!

Nirvana, a rock group. That's all I know. Hehehehe remembers that I do not speak English.

It's a good album. Check it out on YouTube for free lol. Your English is very good.

I will take some time to see it. thanks for the suggestion

I was one of nine kids and believe me, there was little and then again, there was plenty. We never went without and we never felt slighted in the least.

My parents forgot to tell us we were poor, so we never knew

Christmas was full of laughter, laced with love and tied up in a million little hugs. Less is really more in this case, each and every gift is opened, passed around and appreciated. I do the same with my own kids. They don't get what I can afford, but they get what their hearts can afford without losing sight of things.

Your pictures are wonderful and there is always a lesson to be learned in your posts. The very best kind.

Only if you don't miss the lesson Thank you so much and Happy Saturday ! Upped and Steemed tip!

I guess we were lucky and fortunate in our ignorance of our parents financial predicaments.
The parents of today have no such luxury as their children are deliberately targeted by ads to bug the life out of their parents for the latest fad, gadget or dodad.
Their ignorance is being exploited.
You make a good point @dswigle love is all they really need. The rest is just noise and distraction tip!

But do they do those cinnamon scented pine cones that you can smell for aisles away?

They probably do but I'm kinda nose-blind if it doesn't contain bacon lol

Christmas overwhelms me. I'd prefer the orange in the sock! Especially if it was a pair of lovely hand knit wool socks!

Tell me about it. lol It's gotten a bit out of hand if you ask me. The orange in the sock is the way to go and as you say, if they are hand made with love that's the best. All this excessive spending is not a good idea especially in these tough times. Adding pressure to people who can ill afford it. tip!

Thanks for the tip, my friend. Not sure how the holidays will be spent this year. First one without Jim and I'm already dreading it all.

This time of year is difficult I'm sure. When everyone is supposed to be 'happy' regardless of the reality we are subjectively experiencing.
It is what it is for you/me.
Do what feels right for you and ignore the 'pressures' of the season.

Good advice. Thank you for that. I juat told my grandkids they were getting an orange. Left them completely baffled.

Baffled is a good start lol maybe it will give them pause for thought. What is this all about really?

Too early for Christmas.

You forgot to say 'bar humbug' @craiglong kol
Good to see some dissenting voices :)

Thank you for sharing useful information over Steemit. I hope you are even more successful by making more successful and useful writings.
Thanks and Best Regards

A Christmas memory lane post is useful. Hmmm..... not sure how, but I enjoyed reading his post lol

Oranges are good. :D Thanks for taking us shopping with you.

Oranges are very good but not the only fruit lol These days you can get bananas and strawberries... in winter? It's amazing really. @debralee tip!

I remember getting socks for Christmas and that was my highlight gift 😁 nice read bro! Cool photos too.

Thanks Mike and good to see you here. I bet those socks lasted for years as well. Not like today's disposable junk. Have a great weekend buddy @cloudexplorer tip!

Yep I'm wearing them right now HAHA!!!
Oh and I hope you enjoyed your weekend as well.

It was swell so far. Looking forward to a productive afternoon.

This post has received a 4.57 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @molometer.

Glad you found some yummy fruit and nuts among all those toys :)