Just Keep Smiling... More Snow Photos

What? You don't see a smile in the ice? Alright, I might be losing my mind a bit. The snow won't stop around here!


This new icy abstract photo above was shot on my last snowshoe walk with Quill dog before the recent round of storms arrived. I know I posted about the snow around my house a few days ago. I said it was "the biggest year my wife and I can remember". Well... now there's even more snow and the snow walls along my driveway are even taller.

Here's a few photos again in case you're wondering what it's looking like here in Tahoe/Truckee. I actually got a call from an old boss last night, who I haven't talked to in nearly 20 years. I used to work for him at Valley Photo Service, a small mom and pop camera store in the North Hollywood area of Los Angeles. He was concerned about us because of all the news reports he was seeing. The TV news tends to exaggerate our weather, but this time they were telling the truth. It's been wild!

20230305_124857.jpgThe front of my house.

My deck and side of my house.



A touch of blue sky!!!! It was nice but it only lasted a couple hours.

Quill doesn't mind when the snow is up to the top of my office door. He supervises while I shovel and shovel and shovel.

Oh, here's a quick video from this morning. I was getting ready to head out to get more fuel for my little snowblower, when this big snowblower came by to widen the streets. I was actually very happy about this finally getting done, the roads were getting too narrow.

The 10 day weather forecast shows more snow every day... I'm going to try to not go crazy. Hopefully you are all enjoying your day and your weather!

Scott Thompson
Scott Shots Photography



Holy shit Scott, this is a door?? Almost 2 meters of snow? Geez!

It is my office door. And it keeps getting buried every day. And I need to shovel it out every day. That and a ton of other snow removal around the house. I'm tired....

Holy shit... sending you some strength from the Netherlands man!

... every day they see me shuffling? or too soon?

Holy shit man!!! That's some serious serious snow right there. We got some snow this week, but it's a drop in the ocean in comparison to that.

This is a lot more than we usually get. We have big winters, but this is getting ridiculous. It won't stop. I'm tired.

Had my share of snow at times. However have drifted to warmer areas since.

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Really looking forward to a warmer summer right now... But we're supposed to get a lot of rain tomorrow evening. The snow on the roofs is going to absorb the weight. This could get interesting...

Yeah... That's what roof rakes are for.

Quill supervises lol. Hang in there 👍 I threw in the towel on this whole winter thing. I’m heading south for a week in Florida 😎

Nice!!! I would love to take off to Florida right now. Have fun out there and enjoy the lack of snow!

That is crazy…. I have never even seen that much snow way up here in Canada.

It's a bit much in my opinion... But Quill dog still loves it.

Stay safe out there!!

Will do, thank you! It's been a wild one.

jajaja so thats how it is, you try to get some know out of your place so they can put the streets snow back on top of your place, that was funny, stay safe its looking dangerous amount of snow, hope you dont have to go out that much

The cycle just never ends... Can't wait for summer!
I had to go get gas today, the roads are still bad and there is still plenty of chaos, but everything was much better than it's been the last couple of days.

Wow, what a beautiful winter landscape, here in my part of western Romania I haven't seen such a winter for 20 years.
However, besides the beauty of winter, you must have had some trouble getting rid of all that snow.

Glad you like seeing it! We get a lot of snow here but it's been a lot more than usual. Yes, my snowblower has a hard time throwing the snow up that high. It's getting challenging. Cheers!

I haven't seen so much snow in my area for 20 years. I remember that a few years ago, before the pandemic, I was in the Apuseni mountains and there I met the snow, but it wasn't so big there either.
The winter season still has its beauty, and the snow must be present, in my newer area, in the winter season it rains and the weather is bad.
Greetings from Romania.

Yes, i can see the smile easily, if put smile on my face when i watched it. you are truly the lovely person Scot, sharing happiness all around.

Oh good, I'm not fully crazy yet... Glad you liked that, cheers!

Wow, the car and the house is fully covered by the snow. This is another superb and very attractive view you have shared once again.

The cars are clear now and we were both driving today! Glad you liked seeing that.

I wonder what it feels like while touching the snow. Well, I have a lot of friends in the foreign countries who gist me about snows but we do not have them here

Definitely got to check out the snow sometime! I grew up with no snow but I love it now.

You have such a charming house, and it looks like there are no neighbors around - it must be so quiet 🙂

And I haven't seen so much snow in MANY years! We didn't have so much snow even in the Alps this year. I know you have probably enough of it already, but I truly envy you as I love snowy landscapes. We have here around 10 degrees Celsius with all spring flowers blooming already, and slowly we are getting our garden ready for the crops 🙂

Thank you for sharing! It was a pleasure to see so much snow.

It does look like no neighbors. But it's because there is so much snow and their houses are mostly buried too. Mostly quiet though.

A lot of areas seem a little light on snow this year. I think Tahoe stole it all this year... It's going to be a while before the flowers start blooming around here. Cheers!

This is just amazing… wow, how much snow.
Beautiful captures!
It started snowing here again yesterday, so I am happy. Think it is about 4 cm now… nothing like at yours hahaha 🤣 but it continues to snow for this week. Will see where it ends up.
Have a great day 👋🏻😊

So much snow... I'm glad you are getting some snow where you are. I'd send you some of ours if I could. Cheers!

Thanks a lot, if only one could share those things… hahaha 🤣
It is still snowing here so it builds up steadily.
I love it.
Have a great day 👋🏻😎 cheers!

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