My first gym session in at least a year - without Actifit score card

in #actifit5 years ago

Today I woke up super fresh and ready to make a couple changes in my life.

I decided yesterday to stop drinking for a while, as less smoking as possible and start working out again.

Not only because of everything is going a bit better now, but also because I read about this Actifit thing in combination with Steem.

As it costs $5 for an Actifit account and I didn't got paid out yet anything on my Mastercard, I didn't open an account, so I cannot share my Actifit report card, yet. Which I definitely will in the future.

I think Actifit is a great way to support activity, fitness and general health plus a great way to earn more Steem. I will probably be one of the guys soon that posts not only his meals on here but also Actifit report card updates.

So anyway, today I started by showering and buying a big 1.5 liter water bottle. Mmm, something different than beer at 9 am is it? My breakfast consisted of just steamed rice and a fried egg on top and 300 grams of fresh Greek yogurt.

Hit the gym about an hour later and did mostly exercises that focus on my biceps, triceps, chest and core. Man, was I out of shape, this was the first time I was in the gym for at least a year or so and noticed my stamina and endurance had really gone down hill because of the smoking and drinking I was doing for a couple months in a row.

A good hour and some liters of sweat later I decided it was enough for the first day, wrapped up, took a good cold shower and went back to the shop to buy some bananas, canned tuna and natural crackers.

I went to the restaurant and chill area where I normally hang out and blog to type my first fitness or quitting with addictions post.

Well, here it is. I don't have any good camera yet, but that will definitely come soon if I keep blogging here on Steemit consistently. If my affiliate earnings come in, I promise I will sign up straight away for Actifit, which I think is a great project, once more!

Got meal plans for me or any other general fitness tips? I know getting back in shape again is a combination of both food and fitness and all comments for both segments are very much appreciated :)

First Day in Gym In at least a Year.png

Photo credits to @danielapodaca96 at Unsplash