Allotment Update: Planting Onions!

in #allotment6 months ago

There's not a lot to do on the allotment at this time of year, onions and garlic are about the only things you can put in!

Oddly enough I've been planting onions during a spot of volunteering I do, over the last couple of weeks and thought 'bloody hell, I'd better do my own'.

I headed to the local garden center on Weds after my volunteering (during which I'd planted onions!) and picked up the very last packet of red onions available, last planting in November, and some garlic too, but I'll do that in December, more of a classic garlic time.

Thankfully, due to some good effort during October making the most of some sunny days I'd managed to get most of my allotment clear and ready for spring, so I was able to rock up yesterday and it only took 20 minutes to do some planting.

My intuition told me it was too wet and cold to get onions in now, but other plots had some in and good to go, so I went with it.

A quick rake over and I was good to go...


I used a rake to get the rows level and a bamboo cane as a dibber - 4" apart 10" wide for the rows, roughly, just by eye...


With the tops just above the soil...


And a couple in pots

I had two left over, in case some don't take, more than likely!


Looking forward to a June harvest...

June is the month these should be ready, probably later in June, and I'll hopefully be enjoying some tasty red onions, perfect in salads but even better roasted, nom nom!


Good luck with the harvest, man! I hope you harvest lots of onions. In Turkey we plant onions a bit later, but I guess it varies from species to species.

I also wrote a post about gardening. Memories of summer. Now my territory is covered with snow.
I'm adding planting red onions to my list :)

They're great, so lovely and sweet, great in a roast!

It is easy to plant onion, it can even grow up among newspapers :)

Newspapers, now there's an experiment!

Onions are fairly simple to grow and we use plenty. I ought to get some in, but we are rearranging the garden right now, so not sure where they could go.

Which variety do you grow? I think they are quite happy in just free draining soil, bit of sun!

Don't know which we last had. Our soil is solid clay, so not ideal.

I do all of my planting in the spring. Maybe I’ll do some onions and garlic next fall; where I live we’re already having snow. 😅

I have a feeling it might be too damp here for over winter, but my impatience got the better of me!

Might be worth experimenting, planting onions/ garlic is one of very few things you can do late on in the season!

I never knew Onion can be this easy to plant. Well-done. I believe June will definitely give you abundance harvest

I am looking forward to it already!

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I myself do the same thing in my garden and it's not easy to handle all these flowers, you have to water them on time and take care of many things then they grow well.

What a beautiful job you did with the plots! Red onions are the best