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RE: Doug Casey is NOT an anarchocapitalist, I explain why!

I think being an "anarcho-capitalist" often means being philosophically divergent from the system in which most of us are forced to live. So being married to a lawyer-- or even being a lawyer-- doesn't necessarily expel you from the AC camp... our participation in society doesn't automatically make us WILLING PARTICIPANTS. If Jeff Berwick is able to live comfortably off the fruits of his peer-to-peer currency, and he is trying to encourage others to do the same: to cut the strings to corporate and political bureaucracy, govern ourselves and live a more simple, self-sustained life... then I believe he IS an anarcho-capitalist (or some version of it).


He pumps, but what has he dumped? He was pumping BTC at $10... and now he's been pumping $ARRR since $0.10 and he's not selling it. Thinking #PirateChain is a PAD because it went from $16 down to $6 is just pure #FUD. (Have you looked at $ARRR's tech?) I'm sure a lot of people happily sold their BTC at $16 too and did quite well... and the FUD would roll through after each correction.

I'd be more apt to believe you... but I already know from experience: I couldn't convince anybody in my life anything having to do with cryptocurrencies, while I slowly turned around $5K into close to $60K. I hold $ARRR, but I am not a subscriber to Jeff's Vigilante stuff. I catch his videos sometimes (just for disclosure). I saw the same scammer warnings at the time about the online personalities who personally helped me make good choices. So I just judge each book as I read it myself.

I really appreciate these conversations though, and all perspectives are valuable. There isn't enough chatter like this on these platforms. So thanks! :)