A few final rides on the old 1959 Raleigh before it undergoes a major rehab. I’m ...

in #appics5 years ago (edited)

... buying all of the tools I need to rebuild the headset and bottom bracket. I’m so thankful for YouTube instructional videos for showing me exactly how to do it. If you hear echoes of cursing in the wind it’s only me trying to fix my bike. 😂


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@ericvancewalton, Congratulations brother and in a way you will going to refresh your memories and once it's renovated and restructured once again then i am sure that rides will bring more joy and you will ride it with memories of past times.

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the forms on this old bike are really beautiful! Glad you're fixing it.

The forms on this old
Bike are really beautiful!
Glad you're fixing it.

                 - natureofbeing

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Thank you @natureofbeing! I updated all of the cosmetics of it years ago and am beginning to dig into updating the mechanicals. The trouble is most of the thread sizes are exclusive to Raleigh so I'm having to buy all kinds of special tools.

It must be very fun to be able to ride a bicycle on a free day with a memorable bicycle. Ancient bicycles save a lot of memories in the past. Maybe you will remember everywhere before you succeed and bicycle is a silent witness in your life. The most beautiful thing to remember is the moments with people that we love.

Cycling is one of my favorite things to do when it's warm.

good... yes youtubes videos are always helpful..... i always take help from YouTube wether it's technical faults or some household chaos....

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Good job. Is it fast?

Thanks, it's surprisingly fast for a 40+lb bike.

time to ride around the city ;)

Thats awesome, its going to look great when its done, happiness comes in all shapes and sizes!

I really like this style of bike. They made them to last!

Yes for sure! I think they look great!🙋👍

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Very nice to see your happiness, enjoy the day!
I also solve many problem by YouTube , really it's great .

Wow. 1959 I think you should take care of the bicycle, because it has already gone down in history and soon it will cost a fortune :)

I'm taking good care of it. It was nothing but rust when I first got it in 2014. The person I bought it from found it in a dumpster.

Youtube have always been a great place to learn things with the video on it.
It takes me many years for me to learn how to ride a bike

Sometimes old things gives more pleasure and satisfaction than highly technological things. With little renovation and maintenance we can make the old things classic and pleasing. It's really looking awesome

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Thanks, I agree. There's so much satisfaction gained from fixing something yourself.

Yes YouTube videos always help us to do anything. Any problem can be fixed buy the YouTube videos.

YouTube is super helpful. Sometimes the instruction videos give me too much confidence...like the time I tried to change my iPhone battery myself. Lol

Amazing photography. that's great lifestyle
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