After weeks of grey clouds and rain we finally had some sun in the Netherlands! Bianca ...

in #appics5 years ago

... and I just went for a walk to enjoy the nice weather. It felt good to see and feel the sun again. Spring is almost here! I can’t wait!


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The Netherlands is such a beautiful country, It's my dream to move there one day.

@exyle, Hope that spring will bring more colours in everyone's lives. In my opinion Spring is great inspiration for the Art. Enjoy your time brother.

I can't wait either. We have had a pretty dreary winter here too.

Posted using Partiko Android

I am pretty excited too! It is still cold out, but the sun has been shining all day today, so that gives the impression of it being warm out!

i think its Against the rules

because i am promoting my Post :(
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I am really SORRY @exyle and his fans+followers if you don't want to upvote its Ok but only read my post there
live for others

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You have some interesting posts. I am looking for interesting people to follow on appics. So Following!

Good evening. I keep getting the app update notification

Good evening. I keep getting the app update notification but don't know how to go about it because I keep getting an error msg on app store

Spring will spring and then we will get a post that spring has sprung...😆😆😆