More Saturday Morning Drivel

in #art3 months ago (edited)
Happy Saturday ! It sure is for me. Every Saturday that doesn't include any mandatory overtime for work is considered good no matter what.
After I got up on Thursday morning and headed to the kitchen, I stopped in my living room to open the blinds. When I did, I saw the fireball just coming up behind the trees. It was just so nice in the moment that I stepped out on the porch to take a photo that I already knew wouldn't do it justice, yet I was still compelled to snap a few shots anyway. Love those moments... don't you?


Another evening this week, a sliver of the moon peaked in my kitchen window, before it was even dark. You can still barely see the glow of the setting sun at the bottom of the skyline behind the trees.


.... and another view one day right after I had clocked off my work station. The setting sun was glowing through a space between two of the blooming Bradford Pear trees and it lit the edges of them up so beautifully. Sure enough I took a photo in the moment that would not show the real beauty, especially taken through the screened window, but yes, I was still compelled.
It looks like so far, my post should have been named "Out My Windows" ....

😅 .... right?


This week has been pleasant. Although there are no amazingly exciting things to report, there were no bad things either, so for life in general, it was all good.
I have bought some new various size containers to keep my new paper hobby in as much order as possible. I had received my orders of 2 different sizes and was waiting on one more which was due to land Thursday, when I got a notice that said "we're sorry, now they won't be here till next Monday"....I shook my fist at the universe in mock rage and shouted "HEFFERS !!!".... because I was waiting on the last of the containers to do some major organizing in my art corner this weekend. Of course that scared the fire out of the universe and the containers were delivered the next day. Just in time !
This may not look organized to you and I am not about to be finished, but you should have seen the BEFORE. I know it sounds like a lot of money spent for a fairly new hobby direction, but my regular painting things have been out of hand for a long time and needed to be more organized as well, so it was all long over due.


I meant to go through all my open paint bottles and the such as a winter project, so you would know I have waited till spring is springing up to really get into all of it. I MAY be the worlds champion procrastinator. I'm sure my award will be arriving soon for it, with a certificate included I can proudly hang on my wall. I'm already planning to collage it when it gets here.
On that subject, you know I previously started making an art piece with some of the papers I had made and a stencil or two and then stopped because part of it I really loved, but it was nowhere near what I expected to do, so I stopped to practice some more.... a LOT more ! LOL !
I came across this basket of little canvassed panels that I had used for testing various things with my paints. I decided they would be good things to use for the collage practice since I can apply anything right over top of what is already there. I thought it was a good idea, since I won't be using up good base papers while experimenting. Although I am buying some new stuff as you may have seen, I am still trying to gear the most of what I use to things I already have if I can.


Through the evenings this week, I have taken a few minutes most days to play a little with the collage stuff. I took several of the old paint pieces and started adding some other paint, doing some stenciling and gluing bits of paper. Obviously I had no real direction for any of them, just seeing how the different papers acted when wet with glue and if they stuck to different surfaces and the same for the stenciling of other paints. This was partway through the week.


This is where they are now. I was having so much fun working on organizing the art area, which I do find fun as well, that I didn't add any additions till the middle of the night. One moment I looked up and it was 1:30 AM, when I next looked up, it was 4:00 AM.... WHAT ??? I was in a time warp, but decided I should go to bed so that I wouldn't need to sleep half the day away today. I slept till 8:30 when the alarm I set went off. I don't know how my day will go, but I MAY need a nap this afternoon !


It's quarter till noon now and I am about to get a chore or two started while continuing to work on my art area organizing, while watching the collage pros do their thing on youtube videos.... and maybe more practicing of gluing or painting or stenciling ....


The last photo was of a piece of rice paper that I used as a blotter paper. I liked the design it made and decided not to add more blots to it. It will go in one of my new containers with other papers waiting to be a part of future endeavors.
Hope you all have or are already enjoying your weekends.
Love you ! Mean it !

The Bradford Pears are going crazy here! The are pretty, and pretty much taking over according to the Virginia forestry folks. They suggest we cut and burn them coz they are invasive. In fact they will give you back 3 trees for every one Bradford Pear you destroy. I dont care, I still like to see them lol.

They are pretty and it makes it hard to feel that they are bad, but they HAVE spread out everywhere. When the landscaping industry brought them here and a good while after as everyone was planting and planting them, no one knew ! Now they do and it is probably way too late to stop them. One slightly negative thing about them for a few days in spring is when they bloom, they smell terrible ! Deceiving.... looks pretty, smells bad ! Fortunately that part doesn't last very long.

I think I might shout HEFFERS at the sky the next time I'm narked! 😀

It worked for me !!!


I intend to do that more often myself. I always thought there was a secret key to things that we just weren't aware of. Now I'm wondering if this is one of them. I'll be trying it often for a while, as a scientific study.

I think it will work for me too!

This sounds like the kind of scientific study that will benefit us all 🤣🤣

I'm sure it will !

I guess I should be a little more careful with things like that though, I mean for all I knew, it could have turned all the delivery people into cows instead and I wouldn't even have known I did that till it was in the news!

Hehe! Blinking in the shortest of your house as the paparazzi are outside moving you for your picture and your story 😀😀

There you go again. Staying up all hours. 😂

I love how you don't notice the time and I love how you do notice the view from your windows and take the time to appreciate it.

Is the table in the picture the one you've shown pictures of when you were doing your painty papers? Or was that a different, dining table?

You're gonna have alot of fun working on your canvas panels. Keep on arting on. 😍

Yes!! Friday and Saturday nights I can stay up as long as I want !

Sometimes the view from my windows it pretty awesome, I mean, for just outside in your yard. The front has a pasture across the street where some horses that were rescued live. The folks that own them don't ride them or use the for work or anything !... they just give them a nice barn with a large pasture to eat and play in and let them live the good life. Isn't that nice?

Yes, that is the table where I do all the fun painty/creative stuff. My dining table is not in the dining/kitchen area like normal people. I put it up at my front living room window so I can enjoy the view and the light (well... when it's daytime 😄). The bedrooms are carpeted, so no artsy stuff in those and the back corner of the house that would be a normal dining are has no window ! I am enticed to go play more when my play area is bright. Since it is just me here, it doesn't have to make "normal" sense.... right ?

If anybody asks me why, I give them my normal answer..... Because I CAN !!!

Yes, using the old art panels leave me total freedom to mess up as much as I want, without it mattering even a little bit.

That does sound kind of your neighbours. Are they kind to humans too? 😁

We don't do "normal" here either. We don't have a dining table. Out flat is too small. No dining room and just a fold down table that comes out for special occasions in the lounge. The space in the attic is bigger than any room in the house. 😂

I'm off to bed now. You've got hours left in yours,expecially if you're up creating 'til the early hours. Have fun. 😍

Good Night...🌙

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